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I was so in love with Barnabas. When he was near me, I forgot everything else for a moment. Would our parents notice it? 

I was talking to some random women about my art. Then, Barnabas came onto us. He put his arm around me and hugged me. 

'This is my brother, Barnabas.' I introduced him.

'He's hot,' one of them spoke.

'He sure is,' I said, making Barnabas blush.

That looked so cute! I wanted to grab his face and kiss him.

'We're very close. He is my best friend.' 

I'm so lucky that I haven't been cursed as well that night. Well, actually I was. But my curse has ended now that Barnabas is back.

Barnabas has changed. In appearance. But he's still the handsome man I was so in love with. Even if he was a zombie, I'd still love him.

Barnabas and I have been wandering around town. Now we’re on the way back home. 

'This is too far. My feet hurt,' I whine.

'Mine do too,'  Barnabas responds.

'Let's call a cab,' I tell him.

'What's a cab?' Barnabas asks.

'A car to pick you up and drop you off.'


After I’ve called a cab, I stand up on my toes and kiss Barnabas. He kisses me back and gently stroked my cheek. I run my hand through his black hair. He moans and that makes me wet.

We kiss until we hear the sound of a car. 

'I've only got one spot left,' the driver says.

'No problem, I’ll sit on your lap.' I wink at Barnabas. 

I sit down on his lap. He breathes in my ear. I'm so wet right now.

'We're not going home yet, oh no!' Someone screeches behind us.

Ugh, that too. Drunk ass students.

Barnabas starts to kiss down my neck. He sucks on my skin, making me shiver. 

'I wanna fuck you,' Barnabas whispers in my ear.

'We're in a car!' I gasp.

'They're not even watching us…' he whispers.

I close my eyes. I shoot up as I hear him unbuckle his belt. Oh god, this is happening.

I hear him whispering something and then I feel him inside of me.

'Oh my god!' I nearly scream.

'Ssh, my love,' Barnabas whispers.

'Hey, go fuck somewhere else!' The driver scolds us.

Barnabas raises his hand to hypnotize him. 'Pay attention to the road.'

How in love I am. He's so perfect. I throw my head back and lean against him. 

Blood Ties (A Sick Shit Barnabas X OC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now