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It’s been a few days and Barnabas and I have been trying to get some help from other fishing businesses in our village, but no one wants us. 

‘Hm, looks like there’s only one way to solve this,’ he tells me. 

‘What you’re gonna do, Barney? Bite and kill them all?’

‘Haha, very funny. No, I’m still quite full because of a few days ago. No, I’m gonna use this.’ 

‘What is…’ then I’m being put in a trance. Just a few seconds, then it’s over.

‘What the fuck! What was that?’

‘I’m gonna use my hypnotic powers,’ he whispers. ‘They’ll love us all. We’ll always endure. You and me. And you’ll never be invisible again.’

‘How do you want to…’

‘I’m the businessman, and you’re the artist,’ he says.


‘Yeah. You can make that amazing piano talent of yours permanent, as a job.’

‘But I wanna stay here with you! And how do I know you’re really in love with me too?’

‘What gave you the idea I’m not?’ he asks.

‘You haven’t kissed me yet.’

‘Yeah, I did! A few days ago!’

‘Not with so much passion like you used to kiss me with!’ I tell him.

‘Oh… well, if you really want me to do that…’

‘Prove it. Prove you’re really in love with me.’

In response, Barnabas pulls me onto his lap and forcefully puts his lips on mine. 

Only now we’re together again. Now we’re really reunited. 

‘Hey! Go make out somewhere else!’ I hear someone yell. We ignore him. Barnabas hugs me close to him. I run my fingers through his hair. It's a very heated kiss, but I enjoy it. 

He stops kissing me and looks at me. ‘Enough for you?’

‘Yes, Barney. Enough for me. Now we’re back together officially.’

His brown eyes shine. 

‘I love you,’ he whispers in my ear. ‘As both my sister and my true love.’

‘You too,’ I whisper. 

Blood Ties (A Sick Shit Barnabas X OC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now