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It’s like nothing happened and we haven’t ever been apart. I’m laying in Barnabas’ arms with my face in his neck. He smells like a mixture of perfume and fresh air. Lovely. 

He’s caressing my hair and my back. Mom and dad would turn in their graves. 

‘I love you so much,’ I whisper.

‘I love you too, my dear,’ he whispers back.

I run my hand through the spikes of his hair. 

‘Smooth,’ I tell him. ‘It gives you something tough. It looks a little goth.’

‘Goth? What on earth is that?’

‘Oh, shit… You don’t know the word “goth”. Goth is a fashion style which often comes along with rock, heavy metal or punk music.’

He smiles his beautiful smile. ‘Ah, music. Yes…’

‘Music nowadays is different from our time,’ I tell him. 

‘So they don’t listen to classical piano pieces anymore?’

‘Not really, except the misfits.’

‘Then what artists are popular nowadays?’

‘Billie Eilish, Lana Del Rey, Poppy, Olivia Rodrigo…’ I start.

‘Sounds difficult. I’d love to go back to those days when we’d go to the opera… Or to see a play written by Shakespeare…’

Yes, the opera. I’d always fall asleep during those, because I thought it was so boring. But, there’s one I’d never forget. Barnabas took me along. He thought I’d love this opera.

‘But it’s opera! You know I hate opera!’ I complained. 

‘Ssh, just go and watch it. And listen. You’ll love it. And when you’re about to fall asleep, I’ll punch your face.’

‘If you just let it! I won’t fall asleep!’

And I was right: I didn’t fall asleep this time. No, Barnabas was right too: I loved it. The story struck me so much. In the middle of a scene I felt some tears rolling down my cheek. I took Barnabas’ hand. After a few minutes, I suddenly felt a kiss on my cheek in the dark.

I gasped and looked at Barnabas. He just smiled. 

In between the singing of the opera singer, I suddenly heard people complaining about something. Barnabas looked at me with a deadpan face. 

‘Pfft, they can’t handle anything at all.’

‘Huh? What are they complaining about?’

‘I farted,’ he said with a straight face. 

I spluttered and slapped his arm. ‘You fucking pig! My god! You don’t do that in a place like this.’

‘Who farted here?’ I heard someone behind us say quite loudly.

‘I did,’ Barnabas said, still with a straight face.

‘My god! Shame on you! I hope your parents aren’t around!’ It was the theater owner.

They kept on shaming Barnabas for minutes until the opera was done. Barnabas was pissed off. 

He took my hand. ‘Come on, my dear. Before I kill that fucker.’

But not before he took his revenge. He told me to keep an eye on the owner. ‘Please keep an eye on him, will you? I’m gonna piss on it.’

It was disturbed and funny at the same time. I couldn’t hold in my laugh. I clapped totally double. Barnabas soon laughed along with me. 

‘That’s gonna attract rats,’ I giggled.

‘Lots of them. Serves him right,’ Barnabas said. He then took me to his favorite pub. He signaled the bartender. ‘A vodka and a glass of fruit juice.’

I was surprised. He never forgot that I didn’t drink alcohol. Even though I was eighteen and mature, I didn’t want to drink. I was afraid to become an alcoholic. 

Barnabas looked at me over his glass. ‘I told you you’d love this opera.’

‘I enjoyed it. I had a great time with you.’ I took a sip of my fruit juice. 

And then, Barnabas leaned in and put his lips against mine. I was surprised, since it had been days after our first kiss and right before our business trip, but I immediately went into it. He had such nice and warm and soft lips.

Fortunately, there was nearly no one around at the moment. 

Blood Ties (A Sick Shit Barnabas X OC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now