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Once when we were home, Barnabas suddenly just started to kiss me. And mother and father were in the other room!

Another night, a guy tried to seduce me. He was fat and arrogant. He was stuffing his face with food and he just kept on calling me ‘baby’ and ‘darling’.

And then, he turned his face to me and he tried to kiss me. I looked away. Ew. 

But he shoved his hand underneath my dress and suddenly he was ripping off my corset. I screamed and tried to cover myself.

Barnabas was not noticing it at all. The man now tried to slip off my dress and he began to touch my boobs.

‘Don’t… do that!’ I said. 

‘Do you like that, huh?’ he asked. ‘I know you like it. All those brunette sluts like you like this.’

‘But I don’t,’ I squeaked.

‘Oh, look, a poor little chick. Well, I’ll give you experience within seconds.’ he tried to take off my underwear.

‘Oh no, no!’ I screamed. ‘NO!’ 

He didn’t listen and ripped off my underwear. He started to finger me.

‘No, stop it!’ I yelled. 

He didn’t listen again. He began to unbuckle his belt. I closed my eyes. My god, I wanted to disappear.

But then, I heard a blow and suddenly he was gone. I began to cry.

Barnabas took me into his arms. ‘Ssh, my dear. He can’t do anything anymore.’ 

He took me home and he tried to warm me, as I was half naked. 

‘Venus! What the fuck?’ father yelled furiously when he saw my exposed chest.

‘Father, he was touching her,’ Barnabas spoke through gritted teeth. ‘He tried to rape her.’

‘How do I know that it’s true?’

‘Father, he was touching her boobs!’ Barnabas snapped. ‘And she didn’t want him to!’

Barnabas helped me and calmed me down. 

‘I hope they’re not hurt,’ he spoke as he pushed his face between my boobs.

‘Barney!’ I giggled. 

‘The only one who can touch your boobs is me,’ he whispered. ‘You’re mine.’

‘Yes, I am,’ I whispered back. 

He dressed me up and laid me down in my bed.

We were playing with each other’s fingers. And we didn’t say a word. Then he farted very loudly.

I shot straight up in bed. 'What the fuck, Barney! That's fucking disgusting! My god, you pig!'

He laughed at me. 'Like you never do that!' 

'Oh, it's horrible! Get out of my bed!' I yelled. 'I hope mother and father didn’t hear you, it sounded like an earthquake!'

'I can do it even louder,' he chuckled. 'You don't want to be in my room when I'm alone.' 

'Ew!' I cringed.

'Don't you believe me?' He asked. He didn't even wait for my answer and he farted again. This time it was even louder. 

I bursted into laughter. 'Holy fuck, that was an actual earthquake!' 

'Hahaha. Well, should I do it even louder?' 

He didn't even listen. This time it was ground-shaking. We were laughing. We clung onto each other. He did it again and that caused us to get the giggles.

Then mother and father came in. 

'What's so funny?' Father asked. 

'I was…' Barnabas turned bright red, which made him look very cute.

'Barnabas is farting,' I laughed.

'Venus!' He smacked my arm.

'That's disgusting!' They said, 'Well, better here than in the company of thousands of people.' 

When they were gone, we laughed again. Barnabas then wanted to kiss me. 

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