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I didn’t get the chance to say when he jumped.

Josette had just thrown herself from the cliff, causing us both to freak out.

I screamed “NO!” and Barnabas completely lost his mind. He began to curse and scream. 

‘Barney,’ I tried to calm him down.

‘Shut the fuck up!’ he screamed at me. ‘You’re only making it worse!’

I let him rage and rant until he calmed down a little bit. He then slowly got to the edge of the cliff. 

‘Oh no, no!’ I grabbed his arm. ‘Barnabas, no! Don’t do it!’ 

‘You don’t get what I’m feeling right now!’

‘Excuse me? Of course I do! But killing yourself isn’t bringing her back, Barney!’

‘I know, Venus. But I just…’ he came onto me, causing me to feel slightly relieved. He looked like he could burst into tears at any moment.

‘Barney.’ I hugged him. Well, then he began to cry.

We stood like that for minutes. He then broke our hug.

‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered. 

‘Sorry for what?’ I asked.

He hugged me again and kissed my forehead. ‘I love you.’ 

‘What…’ I started. He headed to the edge of the cliff again. 

I freaked out. ‘Barney! Come back here! Get away from that edge!’ I wanted to run to him, but my body was frozen in fear.

He didn’t listen. He prepared himself to jump.

‘BARNEY!’ I yelled from the top of my lungs. 

He turned around and looked at me for the last time. I saw the despair in his eyes.

And then he jumped.

‘NO!’ I screamed. I got to the edge, but he was already down there.

‘NO!’ I screamed once again. I totally freaked out. I got an enormous panic attack, causing me to nearly choke. 

I then ran away crying. I didn’t know what I was doing. I got on the roof of our house and I wanted to jump. But one of our servants grabbed my arm.

I began to cry hard. ‘Barnabas… Barnabas is dead.’

‘Oh, honey…’ she put her arms around me and hugged me. It wasn’t like being in Barnabas’ arms, but it was exactly what I needed.

She took me inside and let me take a bath. She gave me a blanket and calming tea. 

I kept on crying and crying. 

And then the Big Depression began. 

I didn’t get out of bed for weeks. I didn’t eat, I didn’t drink, I didn’t do anything; all I did was cry, cry and cry. And sleep. But I had terrible nightmares. Barnabas’ fit of rage came back in my sleep, just like the moment he jumped. 

After weeks of eating under pressure and crying the shit out of myself, I started to feel hungry as fuck, mainly for sweets and ice cream. I wanted to numb the pain. 

I was glad that I had one thing that always binded me with Barnabas. His blood was running through my veins. 

Barnabas wanted me to meet him in the living room at midnight. I obeyed and went there. He was already awaiting me. 

Why was he so handsome? It was so unfair that I could never have him.

‘Why did you want me here?’ I asked.

‘I got an idea,’ he told me. ‘You wanted me to get you something that binds us forever, right?’

‘Yeah,’ I responded. 

‘Well, I’ve got the best idea ever.’

‘That’s your words.’

‘Yeah. Well…’ he pulled out a dagger.

‘Oh my god, you’re gonna kill me? Is that it?’ I said, suddenly alarmed.

‘No, no, of course not. Give me your hand.’

He took my hand in his and said: ‘Just don’t look for a moment.’

I looked the other way. I felt a stabbing pain I was way too familiar with.

I looked at my hand, only to see that it was bleeding.

‘You’re crazy,’ I told him.

‘No-ho,’ he snapped. ‘You don’t understand.’ he then placed the dagger in his own hand.

‘Ooooh…’ I said.

‘You see, Venus? We mix our blood, and then we’re binded forever.’ 

I placed my hand in his. He held my hand for a few minutes. 

Blood Ties (A Sick Shit Barnabas X OC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now