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Mother and father were happy with us being so close. They didn’t even mind that we gave each other kisses. 

They sometimes joked about me being in love with Barnabas. I knew they were right: yes, I was in love with Barnabas, and I thought it was wonderful. 

My fantasies became dirtier with time. Sitting in each other’s lap without clothes on. Cuddling while we were both naked. Him holding me and telling me I was beautiful. And that I was hot. I even fantasized about him dominating me. I also had a dream of him making love to me. I was leaning on the kitchen table while he slapped my ass hard. 

Once, I even snatched his perfume so I could sniff it while finger fucking myself.

Collinsport, December 30th, 2021

I'm so lucky that Barnabas chose me out of all those girls. I feel like a little girl again. 

'I need to introduce you to someone,' I tell him as I drag him with me. 

'Hey, pretty girl! Where are you going with that albino?'

I turn around. 'The fuck did you just say?' I get over to him, but Barnabas stops me. 

'C'mon, Venus, just ignore them.'

'Is that your daddy?' Someone else yells.

'No. Barnabas is my boyfriend.' I respond. 'I'm taken. Too bad!'

Then I quickly pull Barnabas along with me. 

'My god, that place still exists,' Barnabas says as he sees the tavern.

'Yup,' I respond. 

'Good evening, miss,' the bartender says to me. 

'Please, just call me Venus,' I tell him.

'Sorry. Good evening, Venus. Oh boy, who is that man next to you?'

I take Barnabas' hand. 'I'd like to introduce to you, this is Barnabas Collins, my bro- I mean, boyfriend.'

'Oh my god, I didn’t know you had a boyfriend! For how long?'

'A few weeks,' I tell him. 

Barnabas puts his arm around me. 'Venus is so good for me. She's the most wonderful girl I’ve ever met.'

'Ahhhw,' I coo. 'You're the most handsome man I’ve ever met.'

'Don't exaggerate, my dear Venus.' He puts his finger under my chin. He then leans in and kisses me. Soft, sweet, slow. I melt in his embrace.

'Where are you from?' The bartender asks Barnabas when we’ve finally stopped kissing.

'Liverpool,' he responds. 

'You look odd. Why are you pale? Are you an albino?'

Barnabas looks hurt when hearing the word "albino". I take his hand and gently stroke his fingers.

'He's an emo,' I whisper to the bartender. 'And please don't use the word "albino", thank you very much.'

Barnabas still looks hurt.

I hug him. 'Don't attract it, Barney.'

He just puts his hand on the back of my head and strokes my hair.

'I love you,' I whisper to him.

He nods his head. 

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