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I remember a time when he returned from a business trip in the period of our affair.

I was allowed to pick him up again. On my own. Well, with the coach with horses.

I didn’t just run to him, I threw myself into his arms. He hugged me back and gently stroked my hair. We walked to the coach hand in hand. 

We went upstairs to his room. Barnabas locked the door behind us and then kissed me with a lot of passion. 

'It's so good to be back home,' he whispered into the kiss. 'I missed you, my love.'

He then laid me down onto his bed and got on top of me. God, he was so handsome.

'Love me,' I whispered.

'I do love you,' he whispered back.

I also remember when my favorite horse Jackie passed away. I was with her when it happened. 

She had suddenly gotten very sick and had to get medicines everyday. But then the pills didn’t work anymore and the vet told us that he had to put Jackie to sleep.

It was like the ground opened underneath me and I was about to fall down. 

Mother, father and Barnabas left me alone with her. They said: 'Jackie is technically YOUR horse, so you can stay with her.'

The vet gave me some time to cuddle with her and to say goodbye to her. 

'I don't want it,' I whispered to her. 'I don't want you to go…' 

Jackie pushed her snout against my face and licked me. I giggled and patted her over her head. 

But then, it was time to give her the syringe. Jackie just kept on rubbing her snout against my arms and face. I patted her over her mane. She was such a beautiful black mare. 

I cried into her soft fur. She could barely move anymore.

I whispered to her: 'I love you.' 

And then she couldn’t move anymore. 

'Jackie…' I whispered and I shook her. She didn’t move. I couldn’t go around it anymore. She was dead.

I began to cry again. 'Jackie… No…' I clung to her. 

I felt the vet trying to get me off of her. I held her tightly. 'I'm not leaving her on her own here.'

'Ssh, just cry, my dear. Just cry.' It wasn’t the vet. It was Barnabas.

'Sorry,' I said, sobbing.

'For what, my dear?' He asked. 'It's normal to cry.' 

I also remember the time when I found Caesar. He was lying by the fireplace, rolled into a little ball with his eyes closed. I immediately knew it. Dead.

I ran to where he laid and shook him. 

'Caesar…' I began to cry. 'Caesar… No…' 

I placed him on my lap and petted him. He was ice cold. But still completely intact, which meant that he hadn’t been dead for long yet.

I talked to Barnabas in my head.

'Barney… Caesar… Caesar is dead,' I sobbed. 'My heart is broken.'

A year after Caesar's passing, I got a new cat. It was a female and I named her Jewel. She took away my pain. Cuddling her was like cuddling Caesar. 

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