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I woke up screaming hysterically. The same servant was sitting on the edge of my bed. 

‘Sorry for your loss, again,’ she whispered. ‘Oh, honey… You really miss him, don’t you?’

‘Missing? I… I… Yeah, I miss him…’

‘Of course you miss him. He was your best buddy.’

‘At least… he’s with mommy and daddy now,’ I began to cry again. ‘I-I-I j-just don’t know how t-t-to sm-smi-hi-le anymore!’ I sobbed.

She gave me a hug. We talked together more often and she became one of my best friends. But three years later, she got sick and passed away. She was only twenty-six!

I laid her down in my bed. She stared at me. 

‘Venus... ‘ she whispered. ‘Venus, it’s happening.’

‘No! Don’t die, please…’ I sobbed.

‘I’m so sorry,’ she whispered. She put out her hand and gently stroked my cheek. ‘I’ll never forget you,’ she whispered. ‘You were the nicest of the four of you. I... ‘ she placed a kiss on my forehead. ‘I love you, Venus. You’re my best friend…’

And then she didn’t say anything anymore. I was left all alone again.

When I was thirty-eight (actually still twenty-two because I was immortal), Caesar passed away.

He was pretty old, he was fourteen. 

I walked down the stairs. I entered the living room. And there he laid, by the fireplace, rolled into a little ball with his eyes closed. I immediately knew it. Dead.

I gasped. ‘Caesar!’ I shook him, but he didn’t wake up.

‘Caesar…’ I began to cry. ‘Caesar… No…’ I picked him up, laid him on my lap and patted him.

Never would I hear his cute little meows again, or his soft cute purring. 

‘No, please… You are the only thing that still connects me and Barnabas…’

I cuddled him and gave him kisses. ‘My dear Caesar… I love you.’

I buried him in our backyard. When I was busy doing that, another servant came to me. ‘What is…’

‘Caesar… Caesar is dead!’ I sobbed. ‘It was such a sweet cat!’

I got a hug from her and she helped me close the grave. 

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