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Yeah, the business trip. That was one of the best moments in my whole life. We went somewhere in France. I still had enormous trouble understanding French, but Barnabas spoke it fluently and nearly without his British accent. Barnabas was born in Liverpool, England, just like me, but we moved to the United States when I was only three years old. So my accent was more American than British.

Barnabas had instructed me what to say to the first and the best businessman we met, but when I saw him, I got nervous and I forgot what to say. 

Barnabas helped me: ‘This is my little sister,’ he said in French. ‘Her name’s Venus and she’s ten years younger than me.’

The man responded with something I did not understand.

‘He says that you’re pretty,’ Barnabas told me. 

‘Thanks. I mean, uh, merci,’ I stammered. 

The man smiled at me. 

‘She’s not that good at speaking French,’ Barnabas told him. 

The man asked how old I was.

‘She’s eighteen,’ Barnabas told him in French. 

I was having a really great time during our stay there. I had so much fun. I sometimes even forgot that I was madly in love with my own brother. But when Barnabas would smile at me or touch me for even just one second, I realized it again. 

We also had spare time in between the business meetings. Well, Barnabas had the meetings and I stayed in the foyer of the hotel. I was bored to death, that was until I found out that there was a piano.

There was no one around, so I sat down behind the piano and began to play it. And before I knew it, I was singing a song that I just made up in my head.

When it was done, I heard an enormous applause. I opened my eyes and saw I don’t know how many people. I gasped and began to blush hard. They weren’t supposed to hear that.

They started to compliment me in French. 

Barnabas and I were now sitting in our hotel room. He was writing a letter to mother and father. I didn’t know why, but I suddenly thought of our kiss. It had been a week now and he didn’t kiss me again. 

Barnabas also took a chance to drink more than our parents allowed him to. So at times he’d return to our room totally wasted.

That night, too. It has become a very special night to me, because… you know. No, not thát. but, well, I’ll tell you.

I wasn’t allowed to drink yet and I was too tired to come along. Then, the door opened and Barnabas came in. He was really cheerful and he was singing some weird song. In other words: drunk. 

I heard him curse aloud and then I heard him mess in the bathroom. Then another row of curse words came out of his mouth. I giggled. I never heard him curse as much as back then. 

Then, he thrusted his head to a hanging candle holder. 

‘Ouch! Fuck! Goddamnit, who puts that candle holder up there! I’m gonna sue that person!’ he shouted. I bursted into laughter. 

He turned to me. ‘Oh, there you are! I lost you back there!’ he embraced me. ‘My dear Venus…’

‘Uh, why are you acting so strange?’ I asked. 

‘Because I’m drunk as fuck!’ he stated before stumbling over his own feet and flopping down on top of me. 

We were so close. I doubted. Should I take advantage of his drunkenness or… 

But Barnabas already leaned in himself. 

He groaned. ‘I missed this.’

‘Why…’ my words were smothered by his lips which he put on mine again. 

‘But why…’ I tried again. 

‘Shut the fuck up,’ he whispered. 

‘But I don’t get it! Why… Why do you…’

He put his finger to my lips. ‘Ssh, my dear. I want to taste your lips.’

I just let him do his thing with me. But then, he suddenly stopped kissing me and he literally fell asleep on top of me. And he kept on snoring like a loud ass rhino. But it was perfect. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his neck. He smelled like liquor and perfume. It was the perfume he always wore. It was also my favorite perfume of his, but I’d never tell him that. 

The next morning, he woke up. ‘Oh, my lord… my head feels like it’s about to bust.’

‘Yeah, that’s what you get when you drink so much,’ I told him. 

‘My god, Venus... ‘ he groaned. ‘Oh, my head… oh no… where’s the bathroom again?’ 

I helped him get up and lead him into the bathroom. 

‘Venus, I’m not feeling well,’ he whispered. ‘Oh, ew… Oh, I feel miserable.’

‘You’ve got a big fat hangover,’ I laughed.

‘Oh, I should’ve controlled myself! But that whiskey tasted too good,’ he whined. ‘Did I do… did I do something?’

‘Well… You k-kissed me,’ I whispered.

‘No! Really?’ he gasped. 

‘Yeah… You need to eat something.’

‘Oh, don’t talk about food, that makes me vomit.’ He began to puke right after he said that.

‘Ew,’ I cringed. But I put my hand on his back and rubbed it. ‘Calm down.’

When it was all out, he turned to me. ‘I’m so sorry for my drunkenness. I… Oh fuck, my head hurts.’

‘You need to sleep and drink water,’ I ordered him. ‘Good thing mom and dad aren’t around.’

I helped him back into bed and I tucked him in. ‘Well, I’m gonna have breakfast downstairs. I’ll bring something for you.’

‘Venus?’ he whispered.


‘That kiss, huh… How did it go?’

‘It felt amazing,’ I whispered. ‘You’re a good kisser.’

‘That’s good to know.’ He chuckled. ‘I’ll keep that in mind. Well, see you.’

‘Yeah…’ I responded. 

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