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Don't mind me putting the song up top there, I'm addicted to it xD

Barnabas and I are chilling out. Barnabas is reading a book and I'm cuddling with Angel. I chew on my strawberry gum.

'What are you smacking? It's annoying,' Barnabas suddenly says.

'I'm chewing gum, Barney,' I tell him.

'What is that? And stop doing that!' He snaps as I blow a bubble with it.

'Sorry,' I say, offended.

'C'mon, don't be upset.' Barnabas gets over to me. 'Kiss me.'

I obey him and kiss him.

'Hmm,' he mumbles against my lips. 'Sweet. You taste good.'

'Thanks,' I respond.

Barnabas is laying on the couch near the fireplace as I paint him. I try not to look at his face too much. But, as always, he notices my staring and gives me a dark smirk.

'Are you succeeding, my dear?' He asks.

'Hmhm,' I respond.

'You paint fast,' he tells me. 'But don't you want something better that'd make it even more beautiful?'

'Uh... If you say so,' I tell him.

I hear some shuffling and then he says my name. 'Venus, look. Isn't this better?'

'How did you want to make it be-' I gasp as I see that he's completely naked.

'Y-you want me to paint you naked?' I stammer.

'Yeah. And way more than that.'

'Oh my god, are you for real?' I ask. I'm still afraid that this is a dream I can wake up from at any moment.

Barnabas feels it. 'You're not dreaming, Venus. I'm real. And this is real too.' And then he kisses me firmly.

He lays back on the couch. I continue painting, but Barnabas is constantly teasing me.

'Barney... Don't do this again...' I moan.

'But you like it,' he says with a dark smirk on his face. He starts to play with his dick. And not so soft. He starts to jerk off so hard.

'Fuck,' I curse. The face he makes is so hot. He seems to enjoy himself.

He goes faster and faster. My god. I get up and get over to him.

'Oh, looks like you got the hint.' He tells me. He removes my clothes. He then gets up and pulls me close.

I shiver when I feel his naked body against mine. He's cold. But oh so strong.

'You're nice and warm,' Barnabas whispers in my ear.

God, the feeling of skin on skin is pretty overwhelming. It's so amazing.

'I wanna spoil you again,' he whispers.

'Uh.... You want to...'

'Yes,' he whispers in my ear.

'Oh, yeah...' I shiver.

He pulls me close. I gasp when he slips his finger inside of me. I immediately lose it.

'Goddamnit, Barnabas,' I moan as I start to squirt all over his hand.

'You taste so good,' he whispers.

I start to give him kisses all over his chest.

'My god, Venus!' He gasps when I start to suck on his neck.

'I can do what you can do,' I say.

'Don't... I'm about to explode,' he groans.

I continue anyway until he starts to shake. And then he cums all over my face.

He curses at me. 'Fuck, Venus, you're so good at this.'

'I can do more,' I tell him.

'Oh, but I can give you more as well. But now I'm thirsty.' He gives me a kiss on my lips. A very long kiss. He even hugs me tightly. So tightly that I wobble on my legs - from the kiss, from him.

'I love you,' Barnabas whispers.

'I love you too,' I whisper back.

'Can you do more than hypnotize people?' I ask.

'I can read minds. I know exactly what you're thinking about right now.'

'Oh no...' I mumble.

'I know you want me to fuck you hard. I know you want me to do such vulgar things to you... Oh, naughty girl...' he whispers in my ear.

I shiver. 'I-I...'

Barnabas gently moves his finger along my scars and cuts. 'They're less visible.'

'I'm ugly.' I whisper.

'You may never say that again. Take that back. Say: "I'm a very beautiful, sweet and smart girl,"' Barnabas whispers.

'I'm a... very beautiful, sweet... and uh, smart girl,' I whisper.

'Hey, Venus...' Barnabas starts. Then, I'm being put into a trance.

'You're not gonna hate yourself from now on,' he whispers. 'You'll love yourself and you'll spend the rest of your immortal life with me...'

'Yeah...' I mumble.

'Very good,' he whispers. 'Now, if you lay down, I'm gonna take you from behind.'

Blood Ties (A Sick Shit Barnabas X OC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now