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Collinsport, October 15th, 2021

‘Goddamnit, Venus!’ I curse at myself as I sob uncontrollably. ‘Stop crying over Barnabas! He’s been dead for three centuries!’

But that’s easier said than done. 

When he jumped off the cliff, I ran away crying. One of our servants found me on the roof of our house, screaming hysterically. She took me inside and gave me a blanket and tea. She was very sweet to me and I felt a little better, but she couldn’t take my pain away. I wanted my Barney back. 

It had been weeks and I’d been laying in my bed, with Caesar and tissues, crying. Caesar meowed and licked my face and rubbed his head against my cheek. I looked up at him. His eyes seemed to ask: ‘Where is your brother?’

‘She’s been laying like this for weeks, doctor,’ I heard one of our servants say. ‘She just won’t stop grieving.’

The doctor asked me what had happened. I cried and cried. He said to her: ‘She’s got depression. She can’t process what happened to her brother and her parents.’

‘Poor girl, only nineteen years old…’ I heard her speak. 

I tried my very best to keep our fishing business afloat, but I had to do everything on my own. I also went to the altar in the village’s church and I always put flowers there. But I never put them there for my parents. Or maybe I did, but I never said that. 

It had been three years and I was now twenty-two. Our fishing business was still afloat, but with lots of effort. I went to the altar again and I lit a candle. 

I began to pray. ‘Dear Lord, please take good care of my mother, father and my dear Barney. And please take care of our business. I can’t do it on my own…’ I put my head on my arms and cried.

And then I couldn’t keep our business afloat anymore. That was a big hit for me and it caused me to fall back into the deep depression I had been in earlier. I felt like a total failure. 

I fantasized about the spirit of Barnabas being around me. That kept me going. 

I sat in front of the fireplace and I looked up to the painting of Barnabas. 

‘Oh, Barney…’ I sobbed. ‘Please forgive me… I failed. I couldn’t keep our business afloat. I’m so sorry… I need you, Barney. Please, come back!’ 

I saw a shooting star one night. I made a wish. That wish was to be reunited with my Barney, no matter how. 

And then, one night, I had a dream in which a woman-like figure spoke to me.

‘You’ve done so well, Venus,’ she spoke to me. 

‘No. I failed,’ I whispered.

‘But you tried everything you could. You did your best.’

‘I did it… for him.’

‘For your brother. He was not just your brother, right?’

‘He was my big love…’ I admitted.

‘He loved you too,’ she spoke. ‘You were his everything.’

‘I miss him so much…’ I sobbed.

‘I’ll make you immortal.’

‘Why? I want to die!’ I sobbed. 

‘You will be reunited with him, my dear. One day you’ll see him again and then you’ll be together forever.’

It’s three centuries later and I’m still not reunited with him yet.

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