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That night, I wrote a song about my family and how happy I was to be part of it. For having such an amazing, good-looking, sweet - did I already say good-looking?- brother.

I played and played and I couldn’t stop. Then, I felt a hand grabbing my arm. I gasped, but I immediately saw whose hand it was. I looked up and looked into Barnabas’ lovely brown eyes.

‘It’s dinner time,’ he told me. ‘We called you like five times. What were you playing?’

‘My own song.’

‘Ah, my little sister’s gonna be a composer! It sounded amazing. Well, are you coming?’

‘Yeah. What did they make for us today?’ 

‘Something nice, as usual.’

‘Oh no, please don’t tell me that we will eat lobster again! I hate that!’

‘Unfortunately, yes. But I love it, so you can pass some over to me.’ he knew that I did not like lobster and he always told mother and father to tell the servants to make something else for me. But, they still didn’t get the message.

‘But, I’ve got some good news too. They made your favorite dessert.’

I immediately jumped up. ‘Chocolate ice cream?’


‘Don’t fuck with me! Are you serious?’

‘I am.’

‘Chocolate ice cream?’

‘Yes, chocolate ice cream. Just how you like it.’

‘Really? With whipped cream and sprinkles?’ I was practically drooling.

‘Yeah. I arranged that for you.’

‘Oh my gosh! Thank you! You’re the sweetest brother in existence!’ I gave him a big hug.

I tried to think of the ice cream while eating that disgusting lobster. But it was hard. I placed another piece into my mouth and tried not to gag. Ew, disgusting.

‘Ew,’ I mumbled to myself.

Barnabas was sitting next to me. ‘Give it to me,’ he whispered. 

He quickly took it from me when mother and father weren’t looking. 

My god, that was the best dessert I ever ate. They even had fresh strawberries in it. 

Barnabas suddenly leant towards me. 

‘Huh?’ I asked.

He put a strawberry in his mouth and leaned in even closer. 

‘Barney! Not here!’

He kept staring at me until I leaned in and bit it. He smiled and then gave me a kiss.

‘You’re just as red as those strawberries,’ he said when he withdrew.

I was experiencing things I had only dreamed of. Walking hand in hand, watching the sunset together, kissing, making love, doing everything together. Being inseparable. Being… happy. Being truly happy.

I never expected to fall in love with my older brother and to kiss him and even make love with him.

We made love almost every day. He was such a gentleman. There were times that he was gentle, but other times the sparks were splashing off of us. Gentle or not, I loved it. Every time Barnabas made love to me, I forgot everything. All that mattered was him and I. It was almost… too good to be true. 

Until that one day. Barnabas had been looking serious all day. But now he had changed and he locked his door. He undressed me and put me in his bed. I was soaking wet down there. Oh, I was so ready for this.

He then undressed too and laid down next to me. ‘Venus?’

Something in his voice startled me. ‘What’s up?’

‘This… this will be our last time making love.’

‘What?’ I shot up. ‘Why?’

‘I’m too scared. Mother and father will kill us both and especially ME when they find out about us.’

‘Are you afraid of your reputation?’

‘No! No, it’s just… I… We can’t, Venus.’

‘No! Barney, please…’ I began to cry. 

‘Hey, don’t cry…’ he hugged me. 

I couldn’t stop. 

Barnabas then got on top of me. ‘Now, I want you to remember this moment forever. I want you to cherish it. Okay?’

I nodded.

‘Now spread your legs and enjoy it,’ he whispered. 

I let him slip inside of me. It was so wonderful, I felt that pure bliss again. But it didn’t just stop at one round. No, six rounds. And we also touched each other a lot after that. And we kissed a lot.

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