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I want to leave this house. I want to be normal, not some rich bitch. And why does no one understand me? Except my dear Barney, there’s no one who would miss me. Maybe I just need to let go. Maybe I need to do it. Maybe I need to end this all. Mother and father probably won’t miss me at all. 

Yeah, that was a hint to a suicide attempt. My first one. I felt so down and depressed and mother and father only made it worse. 

But, at first, I wanted to feel something else than the pain I felt. So, I sneaked into the bathroom and I turned on the shower to draw less attention to my voice. I stared at my arm and then I pulled out the dagger I stole from my father's office. 

Was I really going to do this? 

I put the dagger on my skin and then I pushed it inside. 

A stabbing pain pulled through my arm and I muffled a scream. 

I stared at the water, which colored a light pink. I tried it again, deeper this time. I screamed again, but this time so loud that it was clear I was in pain. Fuck, that hurt.

It seemed like everyone heard it, because the bathroom door flew open.

Didn’t I lock it? I quickly covered my naked body with the shower curtain.

‘What is it? Why are you screaming?’ Barnabas asked. His eyes were full of concern. 

‘Barney, please get out. I…’ I groaned.

‘Are you hurt? Did you fall? What is it?’ his eyes then fell onto the dagger. Fuck. It was clearly visible that I had cut myself.

‘What the… Are you out of your fucking mind?’ he screamed at me.

‘Barney… I… I just wanted to…’ 

He wouldn’t let me finish and hugged me tightly. ‘Do you really think this is the solution? Killing yourself?’

‘No one will miss me,’ I whispered. 

‘I will,’ he whispered and his voice broke. He held me until he realized that I was naked. 

‘You’re nude,’ he said.

‘Fuck,’ I cursed. ‘I’m sorry. I wanted to shower.’

‘You need to clean those cuts first,’ he told me. ‘Wait, I’ll help you.’

It got freezing cold and I shivered. Barnabas put his arms around me to warm me. 

When it was done, he let me shower and then he took me to his room. He laid me down in his bed and laid down next to me. 

‘Why did you do this? You could’ve been dead!’

‘I was distraught,’ I whispered. 

‘You’re only sixteen, my dear. I enjoyed my life to the fullest and I enjoyed the girls when I was your age.’

‘I’m not you,’ I whispered. I wanted to get out.

‘No, you’re staying here tonight. You need to relax.’

‘Yeah, hold on, I’mma get my teddy bear,’ I responded. 

When I was back, Barnabas pulled me close again. I felt his heart beating. 

‘You scared me to death,’ he told me. ‘From now on, I’m not leaving you by yourself anymore.’

‘Barney… I won’t do it again.’

‘You promise?’ he held out his hand. 

I took his hand. ‘I promise.’

He gently stroked my hand. Then our parents came in.

‘Oh, you’re sleeping together again tonight?’

‘Yeah, Venus tried to kill herself. I nearly got a heart attack.’

‘Venus?’ they asked.

‘You wouldn’t miss me,’ I whispered.

But they gave no response.

Blood Ties (A Sick Shit Barnabas X OC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now