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I remember a time when Barnabas had to go on a business trip and I didn’t want him to go.

I watched as he was getting his stuff and as he got dressed. He noticed me staring. I sniffled and rubbed my eyes.

He sighed, but not in annoyance. I stayed around him until it was time for him to leave. 

Mother and father hugged him extensively and told him to stay cautious. I couldn’t hold myself in and I began to cry.

Barnabas saw it and he got over to me to give me a hug. I hugged him tightly and kept on saying that I didn't want to let him go.

We stood like that for minutes. I thought I heard mother and father say "Ahhhw", but that was probably my imagination. 

'I'm gonna miss you, Barney,' I whispered.

He wiped my tears away. 'I'll miss you too, my dear Venus.' He hugged me again.

'I love you,' I whispered.

'I love you too,' Barnabas responded and he gave me a kiss. He then got on board. I waved and waved until he was out of sight. 

'Venus, are you coming?' Father yelled.

I was restless until I finally received a letter with the message that he arrived safely.

We talked through letters. 

A few months later, he was back home. I was allowed to pick him up at the port. I nearly ran to it. I was so happy that I saw him again.

'Venus! My dear!' He yelled when he saw me. 

I ran to him and jumped into his arms. 'Barnabas! You’re back! I missed you so much…' 

He put me down and gave me three kisses on my cheek. 

'My god, you’ve got a nice sun tan!' I told him. 

'I was so spoiled, Venus. You wouldn’t believe it!'

He waited until we were alone and then he leaned in. 

'I fucked the wife of one of those businessmen,' he whispered. 'She was so tight.'

I giggled. 

Barnabas continued to joke around until we both got the giggles. 

'My god, my stomach hurts,' I laughed.

'But guess what, I got the contract.' 

I hugged him again. 'How do you get that? You must have a secret for it.'

'It's a secret, a very big secret,' he whispered.

'Are you gonna tell me?'

'My secret is that I make those women convince their husbands to hire me, because they can't refuse me,' he whispered. 'No one can do it as well as me.'

'I'm thinking that you must fuck me as well, just to prove it.' I said. 

'Trust me, you’ll scream out in pleasure,' he told me. 

'Will I? Doesn’t it hurt?' I scooted closer to him. Hopefully he didn’t notice that I was flirting with him…

'Are you trying to flirt with me?' He asked.

'I'm practicing on you,' I told him.

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