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‘Look, it’s still the same,’ Barnabas says as we look around his old bedroom.

‘Yeah. I wouldn’t let anyone go into it without my permission. I always yelled: “That room is my brother’s! Don’t you dare to go in there without my permission!” and then they would ask: “But Venus, your brother is dead, right?” Man, I hated that!’

He looks at his bed. ‘Yeah. Remember everything we did here? We used to have such nice sex here.’

‘Don’t try to lure me in your bed,’ I mumble. ‘We just reunited.’

‘Well, a bed is not my thing anymore… don’t you have a coffin or something?’

‘Huh?’ I ask. ‘Oh shit, of course! Well, no. Not at the moment. I’mma get you one as soon as possible.’

‘Hm. You know, after she buried me alive, I regretted dumping you so much… I suddenly thought of you, and I thought to myself: “Fuck, what have you done?”’

‘You’ve made me crazy through that one year,’ I tell him. ‘You made me fall totally in love with you.’

‘It was your own fault,’ he says. ‘You’re too beautiful. You didn’t fuck some other guy when I was gone, did you?’

‘Yeah. I even had a child with him, all right? No,’ I respond.

He gives me a warm smile. ‘I knew it.’

‘Knew what?’ I ask.

‘That you’re a loyal girl.’

‘You weren’t before me,’ I tell him.

‘I am not what I once was,’ he tells me.

‘Neither am I,’ I sigh. ‘I still feel depressed some days.’

I remember when Caesar was still a kitten and Barnabas tried to cheer me up. He made some jokes I’d normally laugh at, but now I sighed very deeply and I stared into space.

He grabbed my face. ‘Hey, Venus…’

‘What?’ I sighed.

‘What’s up?’

‘There’s… There is… You wouldn’t understand.’

‘Of course I would. Tell me.’

‘I just… I feel fucked.’

‘Oh. Yeah, I feel too sometimes. But I know the perfect medicine…’

He came back with Caesar, who was still a kitten at that time. He held his little paws out to me and that made me melt. He stroked his head against my face. I hugged the little kitten close to me.

 ‘Hi, cutie,’ I whispered. He let out a very soft little meow.

That same night, we had another ball, somewhere in another place in Collinsport. Me and Barnabas were introduced proudly. 

Barnabas and I were joking around about the guests. Some of them looked ridiculous. 

Then, a really fat man came in and he tried to sit in his chair, but he couldn’t.

‘Pff, what a podge,’ Barnabas whispered to me.

‘Yeah, pfft. He’s a pig. What would he eat all day?’

‘Pigmeat. Without a doubt,’ he responded, causing me to snicker.

‘Would he eat his own… Ew,’ I cringed at my own joke.

‘Definitely. Would he have a dick?’

‘Yeah, definitely… But it’s hidden.’

‘He’s probably got a very long dick,’ Barnabas whispered. ‘A pig’s tail.’

I snickered again. ‘What would his name be? Piggy?’


‘No. Piggy!’

‘Piggy podge,’ Barnabas whispered. 

‘Pigs have big balls,’ I giggled.

‘Then he must have huge balls. Well, we’re at a ball, so… who’s the best dancer can slaughter the pig!’ he said.

I snickered out.

‘Silly,’ I giggled.

Barnabas and I spent the most time together. He looked at the girls.

‘Looking for your next free range?’ I asked. ‘I’m looking-for-the-next-one-that-I-can-fuck!’
‘No. I’m thirsty.’

Barnabas immediately drained himself of alcohol. He took shot after shot. Then, he also handed me a shot.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘Drink it,’ he told me. 

‘Mother and father…’

‘...won’t even notice. C’mon, do it with me.’ he counted to three.

‘Fuck! That’s disgusting!’ I nearly spat it out.

‘Amazing stuff!’ Barnabas chuckled.

We went home when it was nearly morning again. Barnabas was so drunk that he could barely stand on his legs. I supported him. 

He was singing a song. 

‘And we’re not going home yet, oh no!’ he babbled.

‘Wasted,’ I heard our father say. 

‘Wasted? No, I’m just… very… very cheerful!’ he babbled. ‘VERY CHEERFUL!’ he then screamed.

‘Yup, definitely wasted.’

When we’re back home, Barnabas stumbled over his own feet and fell to the ground. I fell with him and flopped on top of him.

‘What the fuck are you doing?’ he laughed hysterically. ‘You really can’t handle booze, huh?’

‘No, you can handle it,’ I mumbled. 

He suddenly put his hand on my face and stroked my hair. 

‘You’re so beautiful,’ he told me. ‘C’mon, give your big brother a kiss!’ He tried to kiss my lips.

‘Ew, Barney!’ I giggled. ‘You need to sleep!’

‘No, I’m not tired yet! I’m still in the mood for a ball! C’mon, dance!’ 

I danced with him until Barnabas was yawning uncontrollably. I let go of him and he fell onto his bed. 

‘Stay,’ he told me. ‘Stay here tonight.’

‘O-okay,’ I stammered.

He smirked. Then he undressed and laid down next to me.


‘What?’ he asked.

‘You’re not naked, are you?’

‘Yup, I am.’

‘Oh. Uh, don’t you… um... ‘

‘Don’t worry, I’ll cover my dick. Now hug me!’ 

‘You know…’ I asked while he hugged me close to him.

‘Hm?’ he yawned again. ‘Fuck, I’m tired.’

‘Never mind,’ I whispered.

‘No. Tell me.’

‘Is it… Just asking, but… Don’t mind me asking, but… Is it big?’

‘Is what big?’ he asked.

‘Your… thing.’

‘Oh. Do you wanna see it?’

‘No! I just… Is it big?’


I felt something unknown in my stomach. 

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