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My diary’s amount of pages increased a lot. I found a creative way to keep writing, even though it was technically full. I took the pages out of an empty book I bought on the market and I glued it into my diary. I wrote everyday and sometimes even multiple times a day. I wrote down every single intimate experience with Barnabas. 

Once, he took my hand and pulled me along with him. He took me to his room. I didn’t see much of it, because he started to kiss me. He pushed me down onto his bed and got on top of me. I ran my hand through his dark brown hair. Why was he such a hunk?

‘Why are you so handsome? It’s not fair,’ I told him.

‘You’ll really find somebody one day,’ he told me. ‘Just wait for it.’

I’ve already found the one, I thought to myself. 

‘But… Before you’re gonna marry, let’s have some fun now.’ He took off my underwear and undid his pants, and it didn’t take long before he slipped inside of me. He looked straight into my eyes. And when he started to kiss me while doing so, he brought me to pure bliss. 

All those moments with him were pure bliss, intimate or just normal. Barnabas himself was pure bliss. 

I also mentioned that in my diary. 

I was writing again. I wrote:

Today, Barnabas and I did it in our backyard. It was amazing. I just won’t get over it. I have written thousands of descriptions of making love, but I never expected it to be THIS amazing. Every time me and Barnabas make love, I forget everything else. Then it’s just him and I. And we’re not two humans, but one human with four arms and four legs. We have times where Barnabas is gentle, but other times the sparks fly off of us.

I’m so in love with him. I feel so sad that I can’t tell him. I’m so madly in love with him…

The door opened and Barnabas came in. I hadn’t seen him since our lovemaking in our backyard, since he had to go for a meeting. 

‘Good evening, my dear,’ he spoke to me. 

He had such a beautiful voice. I felt it in my stomach.

‘Hi, Barney,’ I responded. 

He kissed my lips. ‘How was your day?’

‘Great. How did the meeting go?’

‘I got the contract.’

‘I knew it, you’re the best heir mom and dad could wish for! And I’m happy that you’re my brother. I idolize you, you know that? You’re my hero.’ I said.

People always asked: ‘Who is your biggest example? Who’s your hero?’

‘My older brother. Barnabas,’ I would always respond. ‘I wanna be just like him.’

Barnabas acted pretty tough every time I said that, but I clearly saw that he blushed. He was shy, very deep down inside he was very shy. 

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