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When our parents passed away, Barnabas told the servants he needed some time alone. He went upstairs to his bedroom.

After a while, I heard screams and banging, like someone was destroying things.

Then it was silent. 

I went to Barnabas' bedroom and knocked on his door. 'Barnabas?'

No response.

'Barney? It's me, Venus,' I said. 

He mumbled something. 

I opened his door and went in. I wasn’t ready for what I saw. I saw that Barnabas was laying there crying on his bed. 

I placed my hand on his back and rubbed it. 'Barney.'

He looked at me. His eyes were tear-stained and the tears flowed down his face. I had never seen him like this before. 

'It can’t be, Venus. They must be mistaken. They’re not dead…'

'They are, Barney… We're orphans now.'

He clung to me. He suddenly seemed so vulnerable. There was nothing left of his cheerful, tough self. 

I hugged him and ran my fingers through his dark brown hair. 'Ssh.' I could feel myself tearing up too. 

'Sorry,' he sobbed. 'I'm so sorry that you have to see me like this.'

'It's okay, Barney.' 

'Be careful, Venus. Now we only still have each other. I don’t want to lose you too…' 

Then I began to cry too. 

We comforted each other. Then it was dinner time. But we both weren’t hungry. We stayed with each other the whole night. We both were exactly what the other one needed: a person who shared your grief and understood it. 

We slept in the same bed that night. But we both couldn’t sleep. We could only cry.

I remember a time where Barnabas and I had sex in our backyard. It was very nice weather and the sun was shining on us. There was no one around at all. 

Barnabas was kissing parts of my body. I was experiencing pure bliss. 

'I must say, from all those bodies I’ve seen, yours is the beautifullest,' Barnabas said while kissing my neck.

I moaned in response. He moved down to my shoulders. I wanted to kiss his body too, but I didn’t dare to say that. 

I tried to say something, but I was totally speechless. Especially when he moved down to kiss my boobs. 

I kept on trying to talk, but Barnabas shushed me: 'Ssh, my dear. I only wanna hear those moans of yours.'

He kissed my stomach and then he moved down to my… We nowadays call it my "pussy".

It didn’t take long before I felt the knot in my stomach. And when he licked it, I lost it and I began to squirt all over his face. I let out a very loud moan and Barnabas smiled at me. 

He told me to lay down again. 'I'm gonna give you something else too.'

I washed myself off in the fountain and I got dressed again.  After I did that, he had his way with me. He forced his tongue into my mouth. I tried to lick his tongue. It tickled and I giggled. 


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