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We were so close that he would actually just undress in front of me. With his back facing me, of course. I’d just stare at his back, which was just as muscular as his chest.

One day, one Barnabas’ twenty-eighth birthday, mom and dad gave him a very expensive looking ring. And we had a huge meltdown. It was one of my worst anger attacks ever.

We entered his room to wake him up. I wanted to rush to him, but father stopped me. 

‘Where the fuck are your manners, young lady? We go before you. When will you learn?’

‘F-father, I-I… I’m sorry,’ I whispered. 

‘Ugh. Did we really have you to become this big disappointment? I don’t get why Barnabas is protecting you all over again. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ll become a whore when you grow up. And your…’ 

‘Shut up! Please shut up!’ I yelled.

‘Why? It’s the truth.’

‘Yeah, maybe you just have this prejudice of me because you…’ I screamed.

‘Don’t use that tone with me, young lady, or else…’

‘ELSE WHAT?’ I yelled as loud as I could. ‘Don’t think I’m afraid of you!’

Father pulled out and then I felt a hard slap in my face. I screamed out in pain. Then I began to cry.

‘You’re a monster!’ I fumed at him. ‘You’re not my father. You’re…’

‘Well? What am I?’ He grabbed a strand of my hair and pulled it. I only started crying harder.

‘Don’t cry, goddamnit! Stop crying!’ 

‘Daddy…’ I sobbed.

‘Daddy? You’re not a little kid anymore, huh?’

‘N-no, father,’ I whispered.

‘What is this?’ I heard Barnabas say in a sleepy voice.

‘Your sister is ruining your birthday,’ father answered.

‘Yeah, right. You’re handling her too hard, father.’

‘Your opinion. Well, happy birthday, Lord Collins!’ they hugged him.

I ran away crying. They would never hug me. 

A while later, father came onto me and he placed a hand on my shoulder. 

‘Venus, I’m sorry for what I did,’ he then spoke to me. ‘I shouldn’t have slapped you. I… I normally never act aggressively. It’s the stress.’

‘It’s okay, daddy,’ I whispered.

‘Daddy,’ he repeated. ‘That’s cute. Well, don’t you have a present for Barnabas? Or, “Barney”, like you always call him?’

‘Of course I do. Wait, do you dislike my nickname for him?’

‘No, no, of course not. I like it that you’ve got such a loving bond with him. It’s way better than fighting. Well, c’mon, go to your Barney!’ 

I rushed into Barnabas’ room and threw myself into his arms.

 ‘Happy birthday, Barney!’ I gave him three kisses on his cheek.

He laughed. ‘Thank you, my dear. What do you have there?’

‘A surprise for you,’ I told him.

‘Look, mother and father gave me this,’ he responded. He showed me the ring on his finger.

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