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I also remember a night when I couldn’t sleep. I was thirteen years old. I was scared, even though I didn’t know why. 

But then, parts of the dream I just had came back. I began to hyperventilate and I got out of bed. I headed to Barnabas’ room with very little noise. God, please let him be there… 

I entered the room and closed the door behind me. I sighed in relief when I saw him sleeping. He was so cute while sleeping. He was laying on his side and he snored softly. Too bad I had to wake him up.

I shook his shoulder. ‘Barnabas?’

He groaned in response.

‘Barney,’ I repeated. ‘Wake up!’ I shook his shoulder even more.

‘Leave me alone,’ he growled. ‘I’m sleeping.’ Then he just continued snoring.

He thought that I was one of our servants. 

‘Barnabas,’ I said, louder this time. 

He groaned and opened one eye. 

‘Venus? What are you doing here?’ he said in a sleepy voice.

‘Sorry for waking you up, Barney, but I…’

He sat up. ‘What?’

‘Barney… Can I lay in with you?’ I asked. 

He nodded. I laid down next to him and snuggled with him. His body felt very soft and warm and his hands running through my hair made my breathing normally again. 

‘You had a nightmare, didn’t you?’ he asked.

I began to cry.

‘Yes. You were kidnapped and I couldn’t do anything. They killed you and… I was blamed for it. Everyone was shouting: “Murderer”, including mother and father. Oh Barnabas, I was so scared,’ I sobbed. 

‘Ssh, I’m here with you. I’m safe, and you are too,’ he whispered. He started to give me kisses everywhere in my face. That calmed me down when I was a little girl, and it still worked.

‘Shall we cause some trouble?’ he whispered. I could see his eyes twinkling boyishly. Yeah, why not? Mother and father weren’t even there and we didn’t even have to clean it up ourselves.

‘Yeah,’ I responded.

We got out of bed. I slid down the banister. It was still amazing. 

‘Yay!’ I shouted. 

We went through the whole house. We held a pillow fight and that didn’t go well. Everything was covered in feathers. 

‘It’s snowing,’ I laughed.

‘Yeah,’ Barnabas responded.

We also tried to decide who could tell the best jokes. I was already having a good laugh with the first one he told me. We ended up having the giggles. We were laughing so hard that we lost our balance. 

We then kept a huge water fight in the bathroom. Barnabas had the amazing idea to add soap to it. 

We then went back to his bedroom after cleaning up a little bit. 

I was fast asleep. It just made me relax so much. Those servants were mad at us the next day! 

Now Barnabas is bathing. He was complaining about the missing milk and rose petals. 

‘We’ll keep a job interview for new servants,’ I told him. 

He asked what a job interview was. I explained it to him and now he’s just staring at me. I stare back.

I remember talking to my mother and father about my future. About what man I should marry. It made me extremely turned on, because I thought of Barnabas and our secret lovemakings.

After the conversation, I went looking for Barnabas. He wasn’t home, the servant told me later. 

But suddenly, I was pulled inside and I heard a door slam shut. 

I gasped. ‘Barnabas?’

‘Venus, my dear,’ he responded. He hungrily put his lips on mine. I totally went into it and I forgot where I was. I opened my mouth so he could kiss me even more firmly.

‘My god,’ I moaned. ‘Barney… I… I want you to be my husband! Marry me!’ It was out before I knew it.

‘You know I can’t,’ he whispered. 

‘But you love me anyway.’

‘Yes. You don’t have any idea what you do to me with that body of yours,’ he whispered. 

‘And I love you,’ I whispered. 

‘And you love what I do to you,’ Barnabas whispered.

‘A lot,’ I responded.

‘But you don’t really want me to marry you, do you?’ he asked.

If I’d admit it, he’d stop doing this with me. So I said: ‘No, it was a joke. No, it wasn’t, I mean… I had a fantasy and…’

‘It’s okay. Well… I love you,’ he whispered in my ear.

‘You too,’ I whispered back.

We ended up making out for minutes before making love in his closet.

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