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Me and Barnabas have been wandering around town the whole day. We somehow succeeded in changing the other owners’ mind and now we have a contract. 

I hold up my hand to high five him, and Barnabas gives me a very hard high five. He now knows what a high five is. It won’t be long until I can teach him more about the modern world.

‘Your talking was very smooth,’ he tells me. His look then changes and he pulls me close. 

‘And so was your teasing,’ he whispers. ‘Yeah, I know what you did. You constantly bent over and put your ass up.’

‘That was not meant to tease you…’

‘Don’t lie to me. You wanna fuck?’

‘Maybe, someday. But not now.’

‘That’s a shame. Well, our work here is done, let’s go home.’ he kisses my neck, causing me to shiver.

My admiration for Barnabas had become more of an obsession. And I outed my obsession in writing in my diary, drawing or painting him and writing stories about him. Those stories were written with different names, of course. 

Once, he found one of my stories and wanted me to read it for him. I did so, and I could see him relax. He snuggled with me. And then he fell asleep on my shoulder. Caesar jumped onto my lap and I began to pat him until he fell asleep too. I snuggled closer to Barnabas until our foreheads were touching. And then I slowly drifted off to sleep myself.

‘Are you succeeding, my dear?’ Barnabas asks me. He’s posing while I’m painting him. This is probably my hundred-thousandth painting of him. And I’m not exaggerating. 

‘Yeah. I’m almost done.’

‘That is fast,’ he tells me.

‘Yeah, I’ve been painting you for centuries! I know exactly what you look like!’

‘And nobody noticed your talent?’

‘Oh yeah, of course they did. When they asked who that person was, I said: “That’s my guardian angel”’.


‘Pfft, yeah. But I’d rather have said: ‘That’s my very sexy older brother.’’

‘Done,’ I say after a few minutes. I then get over to Barnabas and give him a hug.

He still gives amazing hugs. Or maybe even more amazing hugs.

Me, Barnabas and his friends were out again. They were smoking cigars and I was sitting in Barnabas’ lap.

I saw his friends staring at us. Would they know about our not-so brotherly and sisterly relationship? 

But they didn’t ask anything. So I gave my feelings free rein and I blissfully leaned against Barnabas. He was pure bliss. God blessed me for having such an amazing brother. And he also was an amazing boyfriend. 

But, Barnabas noticed my cheerfulness. He asked: ‘How are you? You look so cheerful. You look so… in love.’

‘I am in love, yes,’ I admitted. 

‘Who is it?’ he asked. ‘And why didn’t you tell me?’

‘Are you jealous of him?’ I teased.

‘What? You already did things with him?’

‘Lots of things…’

‘Goddamnit, Venus!’ he raised his voice. ‘Who is that boy?’

‘It’s not a boy… it’s a man,’ I whispered. ‘He’s older.’

‘Who is this man?’

‘He doesn’t know I’m in love with him. He just likes to fuck with me.’

And then he realized it. ‘Oh, you’re such a bitch, Venus! I nearly got a heart attack! But… Are you saying that…’

‘Yes…’ I whispered. ‘I like you, Barney. I really really like you.’

‘What are you saying?’ he asked.

‘Never mind,’ I whispered. 

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