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That next day, he was hungover and he yelled to everyone who bothered him. I sat with him the whole day. He had been vomiting the whole morning and now he was asleep. 

How beautiful he is, I thought to myself while watching him sleep. Caesar wanted to jump on his bed, but I stopped him and lifted him up. ‘No, Caesar. Barnabas is hungover.’

Caesar meowed. 

Now, we’re walking through the village to check on our fishing business. It’s going very well. Soon everyone will know us again. A group of boys my age pass us. 

Someone yells at Barnabas: ‘Hey, albino! Where are you going with that pretty girl?’

I put my middle finger up at him, causing the whole group to go like: ‘oooooh’. I ignore them.

‘Did he just call me an albino?’ Barnabas asks me. 

‘Yeah. Pff, childish motherfuckers.’ I respond. 

‘But I still wonder how you became immortal.’

‘I had a dream in which a woman-like figure spoke to me. She told me that she’d make me immortal and that we’d be reunited one day.’

I remember a time where Barnabas and I had a very intimate conversation. And it ended up pretty… yeah, not-so-ladylike. But I’ve never been a proper lady. I could act like that sometimes, but deep down inside I’d always be the tomboyish girl I still am today.

Mom and dad were already asleep. It was past midnight and Barnabas and I were laying in his bed. I still wonder why our parents never seemed to care about us sharing the same bed. 

‘Venus?’ Barnabas asked. ‘Are you asleep already?’


‘Oh. Can I ask you a very weird question?’

‘Yeah,’ I responded.

‘What turns you on?’

‘Huh?’ I asked. 

‘What makes you horny?’

‘I don’t really know,’ I responded, surprised by his question. But I knew all too well what made me horny. Or, better said, who.

‘C’mon, you’re eighteen! You should know it,’ he said.

‘Muscles,’ I said.

‘Oh. Well, I’ve got something for you.’ he unbuttoned his blouse. I looked at his chest in awe. He was so flawlessly beautiful. Not a single gram of fat. I looked at his shoulders and his flat stomach, which was very muscular too. 

‘It’s so perfect,’ I whispered. Barnabas smiled. 

‘I bet you look amazing too without your clothes on,’ he whispered.

‘You say that to every girl.’

‘No. You’re the first one I say it to.’

‘Well, I always wondered what you looked like without clothes on, too!’ 

‘Well, maybe we should show it.’

I blushed. ‘Uhm… I don’t think I’m ready for that.’

‘That’s okay. But do you wanna see ME?’ he whispered.

I nodded.

‘You better prepare,’ he said.


‘Because.’ he smirked.

‘Oh. Well, uh, then do it!’

Barnabas took my hand and put it into his pants. I gasped and my hand began to shake.

He noticed it and gently squeezed my hand. He then placed my hand on his dick. 

I gasped. ‘Holy fuck.’

He laughed at my wide eyes. ‘How does it feel?’

‘It’s soft,’ I whispered. He was soft indeed. He took my hand again and placed it higher. I felt something warm and wet.

‘And my god… it’s wet,’ I whispered. ‘And it’s warm…’

‘Do you wanna see it?’ Barnabas whispered.

‘Uh-huh,’ I whispered with a bright red head. I was glad that it was dark in the room, otherwise he would have seen it.

My eyes nearly fell out of my head when I saw it. He had a big dick. He was bigger than I’d ever seen on those paintings with nude people. I would secretly look at those paintings when I was all alone. And he was clean-shaven. This was even better than in my wildest fantasies.

‘Holy shit, that’s like a fucking broomstick!’ I let out. 

‘Mhm,’ he responded. He was clearly enjoying my reactions.

‘Can I… can I touch it?’ I barely dared to ask.

‘Yes,’ he whispered. I was pretty careful at first. 

‘Venus… It’s not your teddy bear, he can handle some hard stuff,’ he said after a few seconds.

‘He’s watching,’ I whispered while looking at my teddy bear.

Barnabas saw it and laughed. ‘He doesn’t have a voice, fortunately.’

He moved my hand up and down and made me jerk him off softly. I could feel him getting hard in my hand. 

‘Fuck,’ he whispered. ‘That feels nice.’

This went on for minutes, until he let out a pretty sexy growl. I felt something hot and wet shoot onto my hand. 

‘Oh, ew…’ I cringed. ‘Barney, did you seriously just cum?’

‘Sorry,’ he whispered. ‘I tried to hold it in.’

He got dressed again and then we made out until we fell asleep.

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