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The next morning, I was awakened by the doorbell.

'What is…' I moaned. I put on my robe and went downstairs. 

Barnabas came out of his room. 'Venus? What the fuck is this?' He yawned. 'God, I have just risen.'

'Me too,' I yawned. 'Good morning.' I hugged him.

'Good morning, my love.' He gave me a kiss. He started to kiss me deeper and put his arms around my waist. 

I was imagining the most vulgar things. Barnabas noticed it and smirked. He then started to kiss me again. We made out for minutes.

Barnabas slipped his tongue into my mouth and gently bit my bottom lip. I heard him curse softly. 

I felt him slipping off my underwear and then I felt him slipping his dick inside of me. 

'You feel so good,' Barnabas whispered. He fucked me harder. He turned me around and roughly grabbed my shoulders. I was enjoying it a lot.

He slapped my ass hard. I moaned and he chuckled. He made me count with each spank. He then took me downstairs. He licked his lips as he stared at my body. He growled in my ear.

He laid me down onto the couch near the fireplace. He got on top of me and started to kiss me. Roughly. He licked me until I screamed out in pleasure.

When he had his way with me, he pulled me close and looked at me with teary eyes. Why was he crying?

Barnabas leaned in and kissed me passionately. I melted. He kissed me with so much passion, like I was his girlfriend. 

'My god, Barnabas!' I screamed as he fucked me from behind on the kitchen table.

'You're hot,' he whispered in my ear. 'I'm about to fill you up.' He climaxed really hard. I felt him shaking.

He pulled out and squirted all over my face and lips. I heard him putting his pants on again and I heard him sigh.

He stared at me and started to jerk off softly.

A year after Barnabas' passing, I went to the altar in the church. I had a picture of Barnabas with me and a red rose. And a box of bonbons. 

I forced myself to put on my black dress. I had fought with our servants about Barnabas' stuff and his room.

'We need to put his stuff away, Venus!'

'NO!' I screamed furiously. 'These things are mine as well! Barnabas' life was also MY life! It reminds me of him…'

'Barnabas is dead, Venus! Dead! When will you realize that!' 

'You're not getting the key!' I screamed. I began to cry and fell onto my knees.

Now too. I sobbed uncontrollably. 

'Barnabas, sweet Barnabas. I miss you so much.'

'Please don’t cry, Venus.' I heard Barnabas say behind me.

I screamed. But I began to cry again when I saw Barnabas.

Barnabas hugged me close to him. I smelled his perfume. 

'I see you brought bonbons. Let's eat them.' He whispered. 

And so we ate the bonbons. I gave him the rose and he smirked when he saw it. 

The spirit of Barnabas took me away when it all got too much for me. At least, in my head… for me, it felt real.

But my sadness didn’t go away.

'No, no, and again, NO! YOU’RE NOT GETTING THE KEY!' I screamed furiously at one of our servants.

'Keep your temper,' she sighed. 'You're going mad, Venus. Your brother is dead. Life goes on.'

'You're not getting the key anyway,' I snapped.

'Venus… it reminds you of him too much. You're talking to his painting all the time!' 

'I WANT TO BE REMINDED OF HIM! YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND A SINGLE FUCK OF IT!' I screamed hysterically and I ran downstairs, grabbed my cloak and went outside. 

I cried uncontrollably as the tears flowed down my cheeks. 

But I was missing two other important persons as well.

'Mommy… daddy…' I sobbed. 'I miss you guys so much!'

'Venus?' I heard behind me. 

'Go away!' I screamed furiously.

Caesar came onto me. He brushed against my legs, meowing.

I kneeled down and picked him up. He purred satisfiedly when I cuddled him. My tears dripped onto his soft fur.

'Oh, Caesar…' I sobbed and pushed my face in his fur.

Caesar meowed softly and snuggled with me. I kissed his soft head.

His purrs made me calm again.

'Barnabas?' I whispered.

'Oh my god,' he responded. 'Caesar!' 

Caesar jumped onto him. Barnabas cuddled him and stroked his head.

'Sweet cat,' he whispered.

He then brought his hand to my lips. He ran along them and then rested his hand on my chin. I leaned in and kissed him.

He kissed me back. I felt him stroking my hair and my cheek.

He slipped his tongue into my mouth. It was passionate. 

'I've read your book,' he whispered into the kiss. 'I loved it.'

'You deserve to be honored, Barney.' I whispered back. 

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