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Collinsport, 1785

A year after Caesar's passing, our servants took me to another house. The owner's cat had just had kittens and they took me there. Maybe one of them would become my new little friend, that's what they said.

I immediately began to cry when I saw the litter. They were so little. They were drinking with their mother. They meowed softly and snuggled together. Mother cat lovingly pushed her snout against them. 

'Oh my god, ahhhw,' I whispered softly. A white one with stripes, a white one with brown little spots, a completely white one…

My eyes fell onto the black kitten with the yellow eyes. The kitten stared back at me.

'That one! I want that one!' I told the owner. 

'You can hold it if you like,' he told me.

I placed my hand underneath its little stomach and carefully lifted the little kitten. The kitten meowed softly. 

'Ahhhw,' I whispered. 'Hey there, little one. Do you want to be my new friend?' 

The kitten held its little paws out to me and pushed his little snout against my face. I melted.

'It's a female,' the owner said.

'I want her! Can I have her?' I asked.

'Yes, of course,' the owner said.

I patted the kitten who began to purr softly.

'Barnabas would’ve loved you too,' I whispered to the kitten.

'She's still not over it, is she?' The owner asked our servant.

'No,' she sighed. 'My god, she won't stop crying at times. Pff.'

'I can imagine. It's hard to let someone go that you loved. Especially when it's not just your brother. He was her best friend…' 

'She doesn't know,' the servant told him.

'Know what?'

'That her brother is not dead.'

'Oh yeah, right. He's a vampire.'

'I would’ve never thought that of him. The most handsome man in this village…'

'Barnabas is not a vampire,' I said angrily. 'He didn't even look like one.' 

The black kitten tried to climb into my hair. I laughed and grabbed it. 'What should I name you… Jewel. Yes, Jewel.'

Jewel held her little paws out to me and purred softly. 

'We'll save this one for you then, Venus. You can pick her up in a few weeks.'

Collinwood Manor, 2021

I fearfully cling to Barnabas. 'What if we…'

We're watching the stars together while we hold each other’s hand. I feel like the happiest girl alive. 

'Can you imagine, Venus?' Barnabas asks. 'When we get married, I'm gonna make love to you underneath the stars.'

'Stop talking about marriage,' I whisper. 'We can’t marry. Mom and dad would turn in their graves…'

'I don't care. I want you, Venus. I’ve always wanted you. Ever since you grew up and became more and more beautiful every day… I told myself that it was wrong, but I couldn’t hold them in. So that was why I kissed you that time on our ball.'

'Oh,' I whisper. 

'And when I got with Josette… It was so hard. I loved her, but not as much as I loved you. It was so tough. Every time we did things together, I saw, heard, wanted you. I was so scared…' 

'Did she know?' I asked.

He sighs. 'Yes. She knew everything.'

'Did she…'

'No, she respected you. And me. She already thought that you had loving feelings for me. But then I told her that your feelings were mutual. Yeah, that was hard to say.'

'You can say that Josette brought us together again,' I whisper.

'Perhaps, yes. But I never thought of seeing you again. I felt so guilty, Venus. I missed you so much for all those centuries.'

'I've missed you too, Barney,' I respond.

'Do you want to marry me later?' He whispers in my ear.

'But I can’t give you a child,' I whisper.

'I don't need children. Being together with you is enough already.'

'Oh, Barnabas…' I get tears in my eyes. 'You're so romantic.'

'Let's make it even more romantic,' Barnabas whispers before leaning in and kissing me.

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