A Rose Meets The Virus

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A dark night had settled across the land of remnant, the broken moon having an extra glow to it. The small island of Patch is our main focus, a place where Grimm attacks are almost non-existent. Home to two hunters of the most famous team to ever graduate Beacon academy. Or at least it used to, only recently has Patch received the terrible news that the leader of team STRQ has fallen in battle. Summer Rose, Wife of Taiyang Xiaolong and mother to two children Ruby Rose and Yang Xiaolong.

For one night only, the three remaining members of team STRQ came together to mourn the loss of their fearless leader. A top a cliff side laid a grave that was engraved with Summer's emblem and the words 'Thus Kindly I Scatter'.

Five people stood before the grave, Taiyang Xioalong and his two daughters, Qrow Branwen, the alcoholic of the group, his alcoholism wasn't that bad of a problem as it was just the occasional drink, but ever since the loss of summer, you can never seem to find Qrow sober.

Finally next to him was his sister, Raven Branwen. She hasn't been seen since the birth of Yang because she returned to her Tribe to take the role of leader, returning once more in honour of her leader, someone she could call her equal.

But none seemed to take the death of summer the hardest compared to her daughter, Ruby Rose. She couldn't take it, her favourite person had just been taken from her. Her young mind couldn't handle it so she tried to get out of her father's hold. Landing on the ground she immediately set off into the forest. Qrow, after taking a sip from his flask, said "I'll go after her."

Walking into the forest it didn't take him long to catch up to her although, instead of grabbing her he let her run for a bit, to let her calm down after everything that has happened. Although all the negative energy she was giving off wasn't a good thing. But he had managed to keep a close eye on her for a good couple of minutes, Yet, out of nowhere she just vanished leaving behind a swirl of floating rose petals.

It took a while before alarm finally settled onto Qrow as he realised the situation he was in. Ruby had just disappeared and he needed to find her quickly.


Ruby had been running for a while now and she seemed to finally run out of energy, walking over and falling next to a tree she sat down, pulled her knees up to her chest and just cried, nobody had told Ruby of the creatures called Grimm, so crying in the forest was no different than any other place, unfortunately that is not the case, as just then a low growl came from the bushes near her.

Throwing her hands up to her mouth she tried to stay as quiet as possible, the occasional whimper escaping through her fingers. A pitch-black paw with Pale white claws reached through the shrub. A white wolf like maw crept through the bushes, the occasional growl and sniff coming from it.

Moving out of the shrub the Beowolf stood at its full height. Sniffing the air before staring down at Ruby, who was currently trying to look as small as possible. Tears pricking the corner of her eyes. She thought this was it, she was going to see her mum again.

Letting out a loud growl, the Beowolf got down on all fours and was getting ready to pounce at her, that was until a loud shout came from somewhere in the forest "RUBY!!!" Distracting the Beowolf getting it to look at where the shout came from.

"UNCLE QROW!!" Ruby shouted back, getting the Beowolfs attention back onto her. Realising her mistake Ruby got up and tried to run away, the Beowolf looked from where she was to where she was going. Roaring at her making Ruby trip over an overgrown root, she didn't see it whilst looking back.

"RUBY!!" Another shout from Qrow, looking behind her she saw her Uncle with his scythe, just out of reach. A terrified look on both of their faces, Qrow was gonna lose his niece just like Summer, and Ruby didn't want to leave her family yet.

Everything was going in slow motion, Ruby reaching out to Qrow with a look of desperation on her face, a look of helplessness on Qrows face as he tries to run even faster, the gears on his scythe turning, slowly morphing into gun mode, but not fast enough. The Beowolf mid-air claws reaching out, and mouth wide open getting ready to kill Ruby.

From out of the trees leapt a shadow, A slim creature with six limbs and two of which seemed to be wings, a purple streak being left behind from it. Crashing into the Beowolf it knocked it of course just barely scratching Ruby. As everything began to speed up to a normal pace everything happened in the blink of an eye.

And now the black creature stood over Ruby in a protective stance, Letting Qrow get a better look at it. A small creature with Pitch black scales, a pair of wings on its back connected to what seemed to be an extra pair of arms. Short horns on its head with a soft purple glow coming from each crevasse.

"What the hell?" Qrow asked, with confusion and amazement, he was looking at something that looked like a true creature of the night. "Ruby, just try to slowly, crawl over to me, okay." he said, getting Ruby to look over to him with panic before nodding and trying to escape from under the creature.

The quiet shuffle of Ruby under the creature made it look back at her, letting out a low growl, it looked back up to the Beowolf that had gotten back up. Growling back at it the Beowolf began to circle its new attacker, as the creature did the same. Ruby now in the hand of Qrow looked at the two about to fight with a childlike wonder. The size difference was very noticeable, the Beowolf towered the creature but it didn't back down.

The creature leapt at it not given it enough time to react, and with extreme precision latched its jaw around the Beowolfs throat and pulled, ripping it out. Staring down at the Grimm as it slowly turned to nothing but dust. Qrow looked in fear and worry "That thing just killed a Beo in seconds, and now it's coming this way"

Pushing Ruby behind him Qrow brandished his weapon and stared the creature down. Qrow examined the creature and noticed a few things, the constant twitch of the creature's head, the way the claws on the end of its wings that seemed to glide across the floor, and the thing that solidified his point was its eyes or the lack thereof. It all pointed to one fact, the thing in front of them both was blind.

Putting away his weapon Qrow slowly walked towards it, "Hey there little guy" reaching out he slowly put his hand on it's head, causing the creature to visibly relax. "Hey Rubes, come look at this guy." he said, getting Ruby to slowly walk closer to the dragon like creature. Now she stood in front of the creature as it slowly moves its winged claws closer to her.

Finding her, it moved closer before pushing her over and laying directly on top of her. Qrow got alarmed for a second before hearing Ruby giggle and seeing the occasional rise and decent of the dragon's chest area.

"C'mon kid let's get you and your friend home." He said, but a thought quickly Crossed his mind 'How am I gonna move this thing'.

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