The Tribe

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Jumping around in wonder, Ruby marvelled at the forest that surrounded her. "Since when was this here?" She wondered out loud. "And so close to the city." She muttered again. Staring at the closest tree, she fought a battle in her head. Walking towards it, she lightly nudged it.

Sighing to herself, she hung her head low. Walking away, she looked up and stared at the sky before gaining a huge grin. Running back at the tree, she pushed upwards and into the tree line, pushing past the many leaves and leaping off of the branches to climb higher.

Stopping when she got to the top and staring at the horizon, that covered the massive bed of leaves. Relaxing a tiny bit with a sigh of satisfaction. "Nothing beats climbing." She muttered, even though she could fly as high as she wanted, climbing just seemed to hit different.

Falling backwards and through the brush, she ignored the leaves hitting her and just enjoyed the wind pushing past her. Turning so she was facing the floor, she landed in a handstand and pushed herself back into a standing position. Now staring around in wonder, she decided to just walk around in search of Aunt Raven's Tribe.

"She's a bandit tribe right?" Ruby thought to herself. "So if I make myself look innocent, maybe they'll try to bandit me." She muttered and then looked to herself. "Might be a bit hard." She pulled her hood down and tucked her wings under her cloak to hide them, softened her eyes to get rid of the slight glare. 

Skipping along the gravel road that she managed to find, she just kept walking back and forth along the path. Waiting for quite literally anything. But nothing happened for at least an hour, just back and forth, up and down. And nothing. Sighing in defeat, she fell to the floor.

And of course, that was when they decided to strike. "Hey there little lady, you lost or something?" He asked whilst standing over Ruby. "Yes!! Could you help me?!" She asked whilst jumping to her feet. "Of course, I like helping people, so just follow me and I'll show you the way to the nearest town." He said whilst walking into the tree line.

Smirking behind his back as she slowly followed after. "So you travel these parts a lot?" Ruby asked with hidden malice. "Yeah, lived around these woods my entire life." He told her, weaving between the many trees. "A bit off the path aren't we, you'd think the nearest town would be on the road." Ruby said as the guy laughed.

"Don't worry about it kid, just stick close and you'll be just fine." He said whilst trying to hide a grin. "So how's this work then, do your guys just jump out at me? Do you take me to your boss and she threatens me? How's it going down?" She asked making the guy go stiff. "I don't know what you're talking about." He told her. 

"Oh c'mon, there's like five, six guys trailing around us. Are they for protection or are you going to jump me in a minute?" She asked again with a cheeky smirk as the man scowled. "Guess nothing gets past you Faunus huh?" He muttered whilst turning to her and pulling out his weapon. "I'm not a- You know what, never mind." She muttered before pulling out the Ace of Spades.

"let's just get this over with so you can take me to your boss." She said confusing the guy. "What do you want with Lady Branwen?" He asked making her smirk. "Good, now I know I'm dealing with the right guys." She said making the man curse. "Dammit, she's gonna kill me now." He muttered before raising his mace. "As long as I can get something from you I should be fine." He told her with a smirk.

Looking around, she finally noticed the extra people that were hiding, had finally come out. Four men and two Women had shown themselves with weapons drawn. "You are all so... Boring." She said after noticing their weapons. "Why do you all have the same mace?" She asked in disappointment. "There's a umm. Budget problem. Can't be getting everyone custom weapons." One of the new people told her whilst the rest glared.

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