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Alright real quick. I have two ways I could continue with this whole moulting part, I can either have her stay in the OG RWBY world and make something off of that, or I can have her go to different places everyone time, this could either be alternate RWBY worlds or just straight up another franchise all togethor.

Idm either one and would prefer to focus on one rather than having two seperate idea paths battling in my head, so I come to you guys to ask for help. I have a rough Idea for the OG one but also a rough idea for the other.

Now if you were to choose alternate worlds, you could either leave it up to me for ideas or put suggestions at the end of each chapter. But it wont be too all over the place cause the whole process is set for me, its just what I should fill those gaps with.

Would appreciate your thoughts.

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