Combat Class And The Dance Question

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Combat class had come around again and Pyrrha was taking the most one-sided fight known to man. It was her against the entirety of team CRDL. You'd think they would be the ones at an advantage, but Pyrrha was just on another level. Every attack they sent her way was met with a dangerous counter attack. Even if they could get a hit in, it was so badly coordinated that it went nowhere. And after, not so long, she had finally defeated the entirety of Team CRDL. All of their aura's in the red whilst hers was just scraping yellow.

"And that's the match." Professor Goodwitch called out walking onto the arena. "Lucky shot." Cardin groaned out before collapsing on his side. "Well done miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament." She told the young girl. "Thank you Professor." Pyrrha said back to her.

"Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers?" Glynda asked staring up at the waiting students. "Anyone?" She repeated when no one answered. "I'll do it." A hand being lazily raised. "Mercury, is it? Very well. Let's find you an opponent." Glynda said about to pull up a random student from her scroll. "Actually. I wanna fight her." He interrupted pointing at the sleeping Ruby. "Are you certain?" Glynda asked "Yeah, I wanna see what she's got, heard she's strong." He answered with a smirk.

"Miss Schnee, could you?" Glynda asked looking at the snow haired girl in question. She nodded before elbowing Ruby in her side making her fall out of her chair in surprise. "What was that for!?" She asked "Someone wants to fight you." Weiss simply answered whilst pointing behind her at Mercury. "Oh right, gotta combat in combat class." Ruby said before walking down. Bringing out her scythe she rested it on her shoulders and waited for Mercury to join her. "Miss Rose what have I said about your weapon." Glynda called from her left making her frown. "Fiiiiine." She groaned out before collapsing her scythe and raising her fists in a ready stance. "You really need to acquire a weapon more suited for combat against people." Glynda advised before moving over to her desk.

"Are both fighters ready?!" She called out only getting a grunt of confirmation from Mercury and a 'Yep' From Ruby. "Well then, begin!"

Even with the buzzer being rung, neither of them moved, both of them just stood and analysed each other. After a lot of standing around, Mercury had enough of it. Rushing forward he sent a kick at her head making her duck to avoid it. She heard a gunshot and his leg came rushing back at her, this time she jumped over it and sent a kick of her own at his head. It was about to connect but he fell to the floor to avoid it. Another gunshot and Mercury was launched away from her.

Not giving him enough time to recover she used her semblance to get close again, sending quick jabs one after the other and Mercury dodged each one. "C'mon, that all you got?!" Mercury taunted making Ruby growl at him. What he thought was a cape unfurled and sent a devastating punch to his stomach, when it connected, he was sent flying backwards with a silent yell. Connecting with the ground he rolled for a while and laid there in pain. Pushing himself up he was stuck on his hands and knees trying to catch the breath that was just knocked out of him. "Shouldn't have asked." He breathed out.

Finally managing to stand up he looked to where Ruby was and saw her lunging at him with claws at the ready to grab him and the winged hands balled into fists ready to punch him. "I FORFEIT!!" He screamed in slight terror. Hearing the words leave his mouth Ruby's wings fully unfurled slowing her pursuit making her stop in front of him. Grabbing him by the collar she brought him down to her level whilst bearing her fangs. "Don't start what you can't finish." She growled out to him before skipping back over to her seat with a smile.

"Did you see me Weiss? Did ya?" She asked hopping up and down on her seat. "Shh." Weiss said still looking forward. "In that case, Ruby Rose is the victor of the match." She said before sending a disappointed look towards Mercury. "Next time you may want to think a little harder before choosing an opponent." She said to him. "I'll be sure to do that." Mercury said returning to his seat as well.

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