The Last Day Of The First Semester

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Slamming a massive binder on the cafeteria table, it had the words 'Vytal Festival Activities. Property of Weiss Schnee' Scribbled out and instead had 'BEST DAY EVER ACTIVITES!' in big bold writing. Clearing her throat Ruby gained the attention of the rest of her group "Sisters! Friends! Weiss!" she started. "Hey!" Weiss called out at the insult. "Twas a compliment." Ruby cleared up "Anyways, Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream." she continued. "This outa be good." Yang said not taking her eyes off her sister. Catching a flying grape in her mouth, courtesy of Nora. "A dream that one day, the four of us would come together as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had, EVER!" She finished feeling hyped about her own plan.

"Did you steal my binder?" Weiss asked seeming to have ignored everything she just said. "I am not a crook." Ruby answered leaning over the table. "What are you talking about?" Blake asked with a slight laugh. "I am talking about kicking off this new semester with a bang!" she told the Faunus girl. "I always kick my semesters off with a Yang." Yang butted in making everyone groan, all except for Gore which Yang greatly appreciated.

An apple came flying from the table over and a loud 'Boooooo!' coming from Nora. "Look guys it's been a good two weeks, and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But classes start back up tomorrow. Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today." She told them trying to get them as hyped as she was. "I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store." Weiss said, and from her facial expression she was leaning towards the scared side. "You should be excited!" Ruby told her but got distracted by an apple flying past her.

Following it she watched it hit an unsuspecting person in the face making Nora laugh and Ruby to quickly turn her attention back to her team. "I don't know. I think I might sit this one out." Blake told them before Weiss gave them her opinion. "Sit out or not, I think whatever we do today has to be done as a team." Standing up, not seeming to hear Nora screaming in the background, or Yang look worried about something. "I for one think that--" getting cut off by a pie splatting in her face and slowly slipping off. Looking at the direction it came from, they all the saw the shocked faces off team JNPR and a nervous Nora pointing towards Ren

Weiss was on the verge of exploding, it was quickly defused however when Gore tackled her to the ground and started to lick all of the pie off of her face. She was at first fighting for her life before she gave in and started to hysterically laugh. Yang not letting the opportunity go to waste, stood up and screamed "FOOD FIGHT!!".

and all hell broke loose.

The ones who didn't want to participate immediately ran for the doors. Everyone else threw whatever food they could get their hands on, and for some reason Jaune as well. Thrown I mean, could have been either Yang, Nora or Cardin throwing him but we'll never know. Eventually there was only two teams left. Team RWBY and Team JNPR. Nora was stood atop stacked tables singing with triumph. "I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!" Her trusty knights at her beck and call below her. Those knights being the rest of team JNPR.

On the other end stood Team RWBY, Ruby herself upfront, holding a carton of milk. "Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! It will be delicious!" She shouted, crushing the carton in her hands as the rest of her team rallied behind her. "Off with their heads!!" Nora shouted starting the attack. And from then on, it was pure chaos. Watermelons were flying across the air. Yang punching the others with Turkeys on her hands, Weiss was fighting with a swordfish. Blake and Pyrrha were using baguettes, Ren was sending flurries of attacks with leaks and Nora had stuck a watermelon on the end of a metal pole as a makeshift food hammer. Soda cans were being used as grenades.

Until finally there was only three left, Ruby, Nora and Pyrrha. Using her semblance Ruby started to run in their direction, the wind she was pulling with her started to pick up all of the loose items on the floor, running past them all she stopped right before the wall. Sending them barrelling into it where they were pelted with soda cans and various types of food. That was until they all slipped off the wall and onto the floor, all of them in different amounts of pain.

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