What Now?

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The pale light of the cracked moon, shone down onto Ruby as she sat on the roof. Staring up in contemplation, the moon giving off a weird sense of calmness to her mind. Slowly, she broke off and instead stared ahead into the dense forest with a dead look. She fell onto her back and looked up once more, a certain thought constantly crossing her mind.

Her ear twitched, snapping her out of her thoughts whilst sitting up. Sliding down to the edge, she stopped herself before going over and looked down to who made the noise. Stopping in confusion when she saw both Neo and Yang walking off. The new arm connected to her as she constantly moved it around, either trying to get used to it, or being put off by it. She couldn't really tell.

Watching as they continued to leave the house and venture into the forest. She stood up, turned and walked to the back of the house. Quietly dropping down and creeping in through her bedroom window. She slowly walked over to the side of her bed and crouched down, staring at the sleeping Weiss. Her eyes welled up with tears the longer she stared. Looking away and resting her head on the bed, she took short breaths before taking a deep one. Standing back up, she wiped away the tears that threatened to spill.

Leaning down and giving Weiss a quick kiss, she couldn't help but copy the soft smile that appeared on the sleeping girls face. She was about to leave when she noticed Weiss slightly stir. "Ruby?" She quietly called out. "I'm here." She said whilst crouching back down next to the edge of the bed. "What are you doing up?" Weiss asked whilst turning on her side so her body was facing Ruby. "I'm just going out for a bit. Got some stuff to do." She told her. "Do you want me to come with?" Weiss asked. "No, I'll be fine. I'll be at Salem's in the morning if you want to find me." She told her.

"Okay. I'll talk to you in the morning then." Weiss said before lulling back into a sleep. Ruby stayed crouched for a bit longer. "Love you Weiss." All before turning back to the open window and climbing out, standing on the edge, she took one last look back before jumping into the air. The only sound being heard, was the quiet sounds of her wings in the sky.


At the dead of night, Ozpin sat at his desk in his tower. The book of monsters laid out in front of him. His head dug deep into it as he analysed every word that he was reading. A sudden whistle from the wind made him look up in confusion. Looking around, he noticed a window was left open as the cold air of the night was funnelling through. Standing up, he calmly walked over to the window and stared out, a look of defeat written on his face as he recounted the events from the past few weeks. With a sigh, he closed the window and turned back.

Stopping in his tracks when he saw someone sat on his desk. "Can I help you?" He asked. "Yes, actually." They spoke. "All those years ago. When my mom left on a mission and never came back. Did you know?" She asked, slightly turning, giving him a clear view of her red and silver eyes as well as the golden glow that came from the crevices between her horns.

"Did I know what?" He asked back. He could hear her teeth grinding and the wood of his desk cracking under her grip. "Did you know what you were sending her to?" She calmly asked again. "No." He replied. The answer coming out so naturally, that it almost seemed true. "Then why was she in the land of darkness?" She asked whilst shifting slightly. "It was a mere extermination mission that got out of control. Unfortunately, we had no communication with her so we didn't know. We just had to declare her deceased after it had been too long." He told her.

"Y'know for Remnants sworn protector. You're doing a really shit job at protecting the people." She suddenly said, confusing him greatly as he took a step closer to her. "How so?" He asked intrigued. "What is your goal?" She asked back with a sigh. "I suppose, stopping Salem in her eventual goal to destroy Remnant." He answered getting a dry laugh from the girl. "You think that's what she wants?" She asked making the Ozpin glare.

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