Roman, The Prince of Crime

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Up in the highest part of Atlas Academy was General Ironwood's office. And in there he stood, his back to the giant windowed wall whilst he stared down in annoyance at the blueprints on his desk. Ever since the fall of beacon, and what it meant, he had secluded himself to his office and was trying to advance Atlas' defences even more. And so far it's taken up most of his time. His hair growing messy and growing a bit of stubble as well.

He fell back into his chair before covering his face and releasing a sigh mixed with tiredness and annoyance. But then he heard a knock. Dropping his hand slightly, he stared over towards his door and waited for another just in case he was imagining it. And he did hear it again, but from behind him. Swivelling in his chair, he caught sight of the dragon girl that was causing so many of his problems. Perfectly hovering there whilst her wings slightly flapped to keep her airborne. Staring off into the view that he had the courtesy to see every day.

Sitting down for a bit longer, he sighed once more, but in the end, he walked over to stand to the right of where she was, opening a window so they could talk. "Miss Rose. I must admit, I was not expecting the visit." He started. "But I feel like I should also tell you, you are not a favoured person among the headmasters as of right now." He started getting her to nod. "The feeling's mutual." She told him. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked getting her to turn her head to look at him. "Where's Roman?" She simply asked, deciding to get right to the point.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that." He told her, sitting in the silence that followed in the slight nervousness that he made sure didn't show. "Why not?" She asked. "Given your history with Roman, and your abilities. There is a chance you would attempt to break him out." He told her. "I promise, that I won't try. I just want to see him. Me and Neo are both worried." She said, slowly lowering herself until she was sitting on one of the overhanging ledges. "I'm afraid that isn't enough." He told her, about to close the window and end the conversation. "Figures. You're not really a man of your word. Why would you trust others to be." She muttered, about to jump off and leave.

"Fine." He suddenly spoke up getting her to stop and turn. "Huh?" She asked confused. "If you really are... A woman of your word. Then I can take you to Roman." He told her making her smirk slightly whilst standing up and entering his office through the window. "Why the sudden change of heart?" She asked a slight bit confused. "I wish to be, as you say. A man of my word. Arresting Roman was not my decision. All I wished to do was monitor him at your home. Make sure he was staying in line and wasn't conducting any shady business." He explained making her glare up at him whilst they started their journey. "Then why is he here?!" She questioned with a low growl.

"I was ordered to." He told her, confusing her greatly. "You're the headmaster of Atlas academy and the general of your own military. Who the hell ord-" stopping mid sentence and going wide eyed as it all started to click. "Son of a bitch!" She shouted in anger whilst punching a wall leaving a noticeable dent. "Sorry." She muttered, but they kept walking. "Did he explain why?" She asked while trying to stay moderately calm. "Leverage. He didn't say over who. But I can only assume it was you." He explained before stopping in front of an elevator and pressing one of the buttons.

"Why does he feel the need to piss me off at every turn." She muttered before banging her head on the door, the door opening on the third bang making her stumble forward and inside. Ironwood right behind and pressing the ground floor button. "Once more. I can only assume it was because you had been taken by Salem. Having leverage over you would be necessary in case you became one of her agents." He explained making her scoff in annoyance. "Seems like a better deal than being one of his pawns." She muttered getting a raised brow from him.

"Weren't Cinder and the other two her pawns?" He asked back confusing her. "No. The fall of Beacon was all Cinder. Salem just told her of the Maidens and the power they held. Then Cinder went on a bit of a murder spree. Sure Salem helped every now and again, but that was mainly her letting Cinder use her as a fear factor. Plus the Grimm." Ruby explained making Ironwood nod in semi understanding. "I see. And you?" He asked. "Me what?" She asked back. "What did Salem offer you?" He asked again. "Nothing. She's just training me to be a better fighter. Helping me get better control of my powers so I don't accidentally lose it. Just being a teacher y'know." She told him, but he could only look down sceptically. "I see." Was all he managed to respond with.

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