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"This is...Amazing." Red managed to say.  Her eyes still glued onto the morphed Ruby. "And you're massive, your head is bigger than me." She said before getting closer and starting to walk all around her. Stopping at Ruby's giant wings. "Can we go fly?!" She asked whilst zipping back in front of her. Ruby stared down at her for a few seconds before solemnly shaking her head. Red quickly grew saddened by this making Ruby turn back.

"Sorry Red, but I got no clue how much longer I got here. And if I disappear mid flight, you two are gonne be free falling with no way of stopping." She explained making Red nod in understanding, but that didn't get rid of the sad look on her face. "Don't worry, I understand." She muttered making Ruby's face soften. "I'm not giving in and letting you fly, it's for your own safety, I may not care about mine too much, but in these short days I've been here you've become like the little sister I never had." She said whilst pulling Red into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you Red. So fucking much." She said, but Red quickly held up the swear jar with a sad laugh. "Swear Jar." She said as Ruby popped in ten Lien. "Right... no bad words." She muttered, silent tears slowly flowing from her eyes, unseen from the others as she kept her head dug in Red's hair. "You're gonna do great things Red... save a ton of people..." Breaking the hug a bit to look down at her and stopping to take a breath. "You think I'll ever be as good as you? As good as mom?" Red asked, her own tears threatening to spill.

"You're gonna be better. Way better. You're gonna be the best damn Huntress this world has ever seen." She told her, resting her forehead up against Red's and closing her eyes as she did the same. "I promise."

And then her legs buckled. Yang quickly ran over and grabbed Ruby to keep her up. Both her and Red trying to keep her standing, but Ruby could already taste the faintest bits of blood. "Guess this is it." She said as both the sister's eyes widened. "What? Right now? I thought you had the rest of the day." She quickly said before noticing Ruby's nose bleeding. "I don't know what to tell you." She said before gaining a calm smile. She brought them both into a hug, Red accepting it whilst Yang stared forward in shock. "I do actually.... I love you guys."

And that was the last thing she said to them, before disappearing forever from their arms into a purple mist. A golden horn dropping to the ground in front of them as Red slowly crouched down to grab it. A tear drop falling onto the horn that was clutched in her hands, before she brought it up and held it close to her chest. "Goodbye."


Ruby's eyes slowly opened to see the dark ceiling of the room she was in. The room in Salem's castle. In her own world. Away from Red. The sound of pages being flipped managed to briefly grab her attention. Looking over, Weiss was sat at a desk, flipping through a book. Ruby hung her legs over the side of the bed before slowly standing, an action that caught Weiss' attention as she turned to the now awake girl.

"Ruby." About to stand up and walk over to her, she stopped when Ruby was in front of her with tears welling up in her eyes. "What's wrong?" She asked as Ruby sat on her lap, laying her head on her chest as her wings and tail laid limp and unmoving. "Ruby?" She asked again, this time being met with quiet sobs from the girl. "I'm never gonna see them again."

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