Monsters Unleashed

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Ruby stared down at the others as they all had a mini celebration over their victory against the deathstalker and Nevermore. But something in the corner of her eye had caught her attention, the way the trees seemed to collapse in on itself, two yellow bulbs rising above the tree lines every now and again which could only mean more deathstalkers.

Then there was also a faint black spot slowly getting larger as it made its way to their location. Looking around she couldn't see a way for her to get down to the others and warn them and she couldn't understand why more Grimm were headed their way. There were no negative emotions going around, or if there was it definitely shouldn't be enough to attract a Grimm of that level.

She heard a faint gruff roar coming from her right, turning her head she saw a slim dark figure with giant wings making its way towards her at a fast pace. Seeing it get closer and closer she took a couple steps back before getting ready to run to the edge. Using her semblance to gain speed she took off to the cliffs edge, digging her foot into the ground she pushed off and into the air. "GORE!!" she screamed out getting multiple people's attention.

Yang looked up in terror at watching her baby sister jump off a cliff. Weiss was confused for multiple reasons, 'Why would Ruby jump, and where's Gore, she obviously knows he's nearby, she's not stupid. I hope.' she thought with a slight sweat drop. But when she looked to her left, she saw the mentioned dragon darting towards her at high speeds.

Tapping Yang on the shoulder she pointed at Gore to ease Yang's nerves if only a little. With Ruby free falling and Gore going at the speed he was, it was going to be difficult for him to catch her. So when he had managed to get to where she was, he dived down to be in line with her, allowing Ruby to grab onto gore and be in the same position as if she was riding him. When she was securely on his back, he opened his mouth slightly and let some of his frenzy smog out, blowing into Ruby's face making her inhale it slightly.

Her pupils briefly turned a pale purple before turning back to silver. The scales rapidly growing from her forearms up to her hands turning them to sharp claws. Covering all of her neck and outlining her jaw and the sides of her face up to her forehead where a pair of small dark purple horns sprouted. Wings had sprouted from her back, another pair of larger claws on the end of the wings that rested on her shoulders after they were fully released.

"C'mon Gore really." she asked the now level dragon who only gave her a side eyed look. "Anyways, there are two deathstalkers and a nevermore on their way here now. We gotta take care of them. The others would probably try to help but I think they're tired from that other fight so we gotta lure them away. You drop me near the Deathstalkers and I'll deal with them, can you take care of the nevermore in the sky for me?" she asked the dragon who nodded and started to lower down to the rampant Deathstalkers.


"It seems Miss Rose has had a few extra changes since she last, well changed." Ozpin spoke out after looking at the screen in front of him, "The horns are similar to Gore's, they seem to be in the dormant state otherwise they would be glowing purple at the crevices." He analysed once more. "Aside from that, everything seems normal in the transformation, and now we just have to see if there are any changes to her physical strength and skills." He finished taking another sip of his hot chocolate.


Ruby was stood in front of the two Deathstalkers as Gore had flown off towards the Nevermore, a small drone flying around her at a safe distance. She reached to her back and grabbed her other weapon Leumundslist, it was a long double-sided blade, the handle in the middle with pitch black scales around it. The handle was able to split into two allowing her to dual wield small blades instead of one large glaive. She stared them down as one tried to get behind her, slowly circling her whilst the other tried to keep her focus. Noticing this Ruby set off towards the one circling her at terrifying speeds. Immediately appearing in its face with her glaive raised over her shoulder. Bringing it down in one fell swoop she cleaved straight through the joint connecting the claw to the Grimms body.

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