Back In The Grimm Castle

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"I can't help but notice that two of my favourite students have returned quite a bit earlier than the amount of time given. Any particular reason?" Salem jested with a smirk gracing her lips as she gazed down at the two from her throne.

"So... Queeny. Got some news." Ruby nervously started, fidgeting constantly and seeming unable to stand still. Both Weiss and Salem stareing at the uncomfortable girl in varying amounts of amusement.

"Alright then. Proceed." Salem encouraged with a helpful smile.

"Well! I may... or may not. Currently begettingtargetedbyaworlddestroyingmonster." Silence ensued as Salem suddenly dropped the aura of amusement. A new overpowering force of authority encasing the room.

"Do you have a name that could help?" She asked, a look of seriousness on her face as she continued to process Ruby's jumbled words. The next answer however seemed to leave the Grimm Queen frozen.

"I was told, it called itself Fatalis." Ruby nervously answered, the still figure of Salem not calming her nerves.

"Told? Someone informed you of this? Who?" The Queens questions filtered out as she quickly understood the weight that the name held.

"Well. You might not like this part." Ruby nervously spoke up. Gulping slightly to try and get rid of it, only to instead take a deep breathe and calm her nerves. "I was... contacted? Brought? Given an audience? Whatever, I don't know. The Brother Gods came and told me about Fatalis and the fact he was after me. Apparently I'm considered an anomaly to them. And that means I am also considered an anomaly to Fatalis. Which he was made to destroy. So he wants to kill me. Or so I've been told." Her calm explanation ending in a slight bit of nervousness as Salem continued to dwell on her words.

"Whilst my... distaste, for the gods is very clear. I'm going to need you to not summaries. And explain, Everything." Her unwavering gaze sending off a look of worry pointed towards the dragon girl. One Ruby couldn't help but pick up on as all traces of nervousness washed away from her.


Nearly half an hour later and Ruby had finally finished retelling the events that transpired at Atlas. Now, instead of her and Weiss stood in front of the Queen, Ruby was sat on one of the thrones arms, her head resting on Salem's shoulder with a calm look on her face that was void of any worry. Weiss sitting on the floor next to her as Ruby calmly played with the girls hair. The illusion book she had started reading at Atlas in her hand as she flipped a page.

"...I see." Was all Salem had managed to speak out. "This definitely complicates things." She muttered under her breathe. But with a short sigh, she looked over to the dragon girl on her left with a calming smile. "Thank you for telling me Ruby. Now, whilst I think over everything, why don't you go do what you usually do in your free time." Her aura of calmness seeming to wash over Ruby as she nodded and stood up.

"Alright Queeny. You should know where I am if you need anything." Ruby told her with a double thumbs up and awkward smile before heading off on her journey to where Gore was resting.

Abruptly closing her book, Weiss raised to a stand and turned to Salem who held a serious and contemplative look on her face. "Salem," She started, the queen looking over with the same expression still adorning her face. "Thank you. For everything you've done for us. And for everything that you may continue to do." She spoke out with a small yet grateful smile directed to the grimm queen.

And the seriousness disappeared, a small smile morphed onto Salem's face as she stared over to the genuine look on the snow themed girl. So, with a light push, she stood from her throne before walking over to her. "There is no need, Weiss. And there never will be. Both you and Ruby have been... An interesting new addition on my everlasting life. I haven't had students in a long time. And to have both of you so dedicated to improving, why wouldn't I wish to protect you both."

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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