The Truth Over Ice Cream

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Shooting up from the floor, she made a few of the students at the canteen table jump. Shaking her head in pain as she smacked herself a few times. "Guhh, why does that have to hurt." She groaned before finally getting her bearings. Looking around at all of the confused and slightly terrified students, she couldn't help but laugh under her breath. "Any of you seen Team RWBY?" She asked whilst zipping all across the canteen. Stopping at a table when she noticed the bunny Faunus that was sat at it.

Appearing behind the oblivious girl, Ruby rested her head on top of Velvet whilst sighing. "Bun-Buuuuun Have you seen Ruby?" She asked as Velvet straightened herself. "Wha? Violet, when did you get back? Team RWBY said you left." Velvet said as Ruby sighed once more and sat next to her. "I went home for a bit, but then they said I needed to do this so I'm back till I disappear once more." Ruby explained. "You at least seem happier. So that's good." Velvet pointed out making Ruby giggle with a blush.

"Me and my girlfriend...talked...for a bit before I came back." She said as Velvet looked on confused. "I guess talking would make you happier?" Coco sighed before leaning up to Velvet's ear and whispering something to her. Her face exploded red as she tried to hide her face with her ears. "I didn't need to know that!!" She screamed whilst shaking her head in denial. "You seem fun, what's your name then?" Coco asked through Velvet's screaming.

"Violet, you?" Ruby asked back. "Coco Adel." She told her. "But if you're looking for Ruby, they should be in combat class right about now. And I have to admit, besides the scales and dragon parts, you look a lot like her." Coco said making Velvet take a closer look. "Oh yeah, can't believe I missed that." Velvet said in wonder. "I'm her other older sister, younger than Yang, same mom very different dad." Ruby quickly responded.

"Huh, she never mentioned you." Coco pointed out suspiciously. "Yeah, that's my fault, I lived with my dad for a lot of my life, so I didn't really connect with the rest of mom's other family." Ruby explained. "I guess that makes sense. Well, who am I to question. See you around Vi." Coco said as Ruby got up to leave. "Yeah, see ya Coco. Bye Bun-Bun." Ruby said as Velvet meekly waved back.

"Alright, time to see how this Glynda works." Ruby muttered whilst leaving the Canteen and roaming the halls. "If I remember correctly, her class should be around this corner and to the left." Ruby muttered, only to come face to face with a wall. Staring confused, she turned to the other way. "To the right." She corrected whilst staring at a door.

Slowly opening the door, Ruby poked her head through the opening and stared inside, trying to be as quiet as possible, the door on the other hand didn't want to, letting out a loud screech as all heads turned towards the horned girl. "Hi." She spoke out with a wave. "Miss Rose, what can I do for you?" Glynda asked making people mutter under their breath. "I just wanted to see how you worked." Ruby said making Glynda sigh. "Come in. Have a seat." Glynda said before looking back down at her scroll.

"Are there any spinny chairs in here?" Ruby asked making Glynda look up confused. "Only mine, the rest of the chairs are normal." Glynda said before noticing she had disappeared. "What the, where did she-?" Turning to her desk, she saw Ruby sat in her chair whilst spinning at incredible speeds. The chair was surrounded in a purple aura making it freeze and sending Ruby flying. Slamming into one of the table walls, she slid down between Ruby and Yang. "Hi again." She said with a laugh.

"Your exit a few days ago was less than comforting." Weiss said with a glare that quickly melted away when she stared too long at the brightly smiling Ruby. Sitting herself back up properly, she squeezed in next to her 'Younger Sister' and Yang. "By the by, call me Violet, I'm supposedly your older sister." Ruby quickly whispered, shocking them all, but Ruby quickly accepted it and brought the dragon girl into a massive hug.

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