The Start Of Their First Mission

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Now in the auditorium the four combat schools had just heard Professor Ozpin's speech, unlike the usual ones he would give, he encouraged them all to try their best and to stay safe, much different to the usual 'Take it all seriously or you'll die' crap. Ruby hated them, they were always a mood killer when she wanted to mess around with her team or have some sort of fun.

"Why don't we check the search and destroy missions?" Weiss suggested. "Stuff to search for and stuff to destroy." Ruby said walking over to the holographic board. "Quadrant 5 needs clearing out." Ruby explained to them. "And it's in the south east so we can search around." Weiss pointed out

"Alright then, I'll just put our names hereeeeeee..." Ruby drew out as a message appeared on the screen 'MISSION UNAVAILABLE TO FIRST YEAR STUDENTS'. "Damn, that's not what you wanna see." Yang said snapping her fingers. "What are we gonna do now?" Blake asked. "Oooh, I could fly Weiss there and Gore can take you two." Ruby said pointing at Blake and Yang.

"That is one option, but I believe I have a better one." Ozpin said appearing from nowhere. "Unfortunately, we determined that the concentration of Grimm was too extreme for first year students. It seems at this moment, that particular region has become quite popular. In fact, I have the sneaking suspicion that you four will make it there no matter what." He said. "You think he heard my plan?" Ruby whispered.

"I must admit, I'm still curious on how you all found yourselves at the docks that night. And witness reports that stated a group of students fighting a robot with rose petals left at the scene." He said and watched as nervousness etched onto each of their faces. "But ignoring that, instead of waiting for you to break the rules, how about we bend them." He said and started to tap away at the screen until finally, 'Team RWBY' appeared on top of 'Quadrant 5'.

"Thank you sir." Weiss said. "Don't thank me for this. Teamwork and persistence has carried you far, but you must remember the things that await you beyond the protection of the kingdom will not care. Stay close to your huntsman at all times. He will be leading you on this mission and has the authority to send you back at any time, if he finds your skills to be unsatisfactory." He said before walking off. "Good luck." He said once more after popping his head back in.

After a short silence Ruby spoke up. "You guys ever notice the ummm. Special treatment?" Ruby asked in concern. "No why?" Yang said walking off to the landing bay. "Whatever." Ruby grumbled walking off after her.


"Well that was uplifting." Yang said sarcastically. "But it's the truth." Blake interrupted. "I know we can do it." Ruby said before being bumped by a student from their school. "Team CFVY is back!" He shouted. "Really!?" Ruby asked looking in the direction he ran in. She spotted the tall ears of Velvet next to the hulking figure that was her teammate Yatsuhashi. "Bunbun!!" She screamed enveloping her in a hug.

"Hey Ruby." She said with a laugh. "Where have you guys been, you were supposed to be back a week ago." Weiss asked joining her team leader in the conversation. "There were more than expected." The team leader of CFVY, Coco said. "Are you hurt Vel?" Ruby asked picking her up and inspecting her all around. Quite literally picking her up. "Ruby put her down." Weiss said stopping her conversation to keep an eye on her.

"Sorry, but are you okay?" She asked concerned. "Yes I'm fine, I had Yatsu there to help me. Thanks for being concerned for me." She said before nervously hugging her back. "My mission was a bit rusty but don't worry about yours. You'll have a professional huntsman on your team for you to shadow." She said trying to reassure her. "Oh we know, this wasn't gonna put us off our heroing." Ruby said to her.

"Well I should be heading off, my team needs me." She said walking off with a wave. "Well then team, this is the moment of truth. We are going to be heading off to south east Vale with a huntsman." She encouraged with a little pep talk.

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