A Whole New world

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In a fairly large room, lay an unconcious Ruby with a face of mild pain. Her golden wing slightly twitching as her purple one laid in a dead like fashion. Next to her lay Gore with a concerned look on his face as he watched Ruby shift in her sleep. Standing over them was Weiss and Salem.

"Right now, she is as stable as she can be. But in order for her to recover fully, I am going to have to start the process now." Salem said as she began to raise her hands. Gore jumped off the bed to get away as Salem's eyes turned black and magic began to gather near her.

The magic shot forward and encased Ruby in a black cloak, swirling around her before gathering near her head and dying down. Her wing stopping and laid motionless as she looked almost dead, the only indicator that she was alive, was the steady rise of her chest.

"What...was that?" Weiss hesitantly asked. "I've put her into a state similar to what she was in before. And that is all I can do, the rest is up to her." She explained before turning to Weiss. "As for you, you will not be doing nothing whilst you are here, you may watch over Ruby but that is not all you will be doing. So Miss Schnee, tell me, what is it you desire?" She asked whilst leaning down to the heiress.

"I guess... taking a break. From everything that is going, I just want to sit down for a while with Ruby and try to forget it all. Live a normal life. So less of taking a break, more of leave it all behind." Weiss admited. "I see, I can... understand where you are coming from. But you should know, that isn't possible." Salem said making Weiss look down deflated. "The best I can do, is help you get to the point where it can feel like you have no worries." She said and Weiss looked up confused.

"How?" She asked. "By making you strong, that way nobody else would matter because they are all beneath you." She said whilst patting the unimpressed girl on her head. "But first-" she said whilst kneeling down next to Gore. "From what I understand, you are but a child." She said whilst letting Gore rest his head in her hands. "Never to be old enough to truly see your best friends." She solemnly spoke shocking Weiss.

"What?" She asked confused. "Yes, the Gore Magala Species don't turn into a Shagaru Magala until they are considered adult. That is around three hundred years into their life, to which they have around a thousand more. Either that or mine was extremly lucky on their lifespan." She explained.

"But with one being around me for so long, I worked your species out. So if you wish, I can speed forward your moult, making you stronger and giving you the ability to see. How does that sound?" She asked as he began to jump around, unable to contain his excitment. "Alright, although I should warn, it will hurt for a while after, and it will take some years from your over all life. Is this still okay?" She asked as Gore rapidly nodded.

"Hurt for how long?" Weiss quickly asked. "Only a few weeks, a month or two is the longest it should last." She said as Gore got comfortable next to the bed. "Are you ready?" She asked as she began to do a similar thing for him as she did for Ruby. The black energy swirling around Gore before finishing at his head. As the magic finally died down, Salem had to grab onto the bed when she tried to turn to Weiss.

"Are you alright?" Weiss asked concerned. "Yes, yes. Just a complicated spell, even if it did not look like it." She said with a small laugh. "Now onto you, it isn't much, but I can teach some of the basics of magic, then you can either continue on your own, or have me teach you some more. It will be completely up to you." She explained before leaving the room with Weiss who stood at the door before taking one last look at Ruby, a sad smile on her face as she left.

"What is it you did to Ruby exactly?" Weiss asked. "I've seperated her mind from her body, allowing her body to continue the moult without interuption. Where she is right now, is unknown to even me. But as soon as her body is ready, she will be right back. No need to worry." Salem reassured.

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