The Frenzy Virus

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A frantic Ozpin, flipping through the old journal with extra vigour, a set goal in mind, Qrow was currently attempting to get the Gore Magala away from Ruby as safely as possible, and finally Glynda was opening any door or window that would let some fresh air into the room.

"C'mon Oz what you got for me." asked Qrow, clear worry on his face, "I'm looking, I'm looking, just give me a second" flipping through the pages, there was a lot of information on this Virus, he assumed it was a big thing when the it was being written. He came to a stop on a page that had bold writing which spelled the word Treatment.

"It says here that in the early stages, all that you have to do is sleep in a familiar setting, as she is doing right now." he said gesturing towards the sleeping girl who was still cuddled up towards the dragon.

Glynda decided to be the voice of reason and spoke, "Are you sure she even has it, I mean, she only coughed once, and it's been almost 30 minutes since." The other two visibly started to relax a bit, she was right, nothing bad has happened yet.

"Alright, thank you Glynda, I guess, we may have overreacted, it also doesn't say anything about a cough in the symptoms section." Ozpin said, hearing nothing but silence after Ozpin spoke, they both looked towards Qrow. He was silently staring down towards Ruby, more specifically her neck.

"Hey Oz, does it say anything about scales growing on the person" Qrow asked, a confused expression came onto Ozpin's face as he began to flip through the journal once more. "I'm not seeing anything, why, how much has grown." walking over he gently lifted up Ruby's hair, a small patch of purplish black scales had started to grow around the nape area of her neck.

"Qrow, I'm afraid that at this moment in time we don't have enough information to tell if this is a bad thing or a good thing. Maybe even neither. But until then, we won't know." he said, resting his hand on Qrow's back. Qrow rubbed his hand on his face as he sighed in exhaustion, "I'm gonna get some rest. Been a long day. Thanks for this Oz, I'll call if anything else happens."

"Goodnight Qrow, I hope the best for Ruby." he said, walking out of the room. "I can stay for a while if you want." Glynda said, a sympathetic look on her face. She had never had a child of her own, but knowing Ruby could be in danger, it just didn't sit right with her. "If you want, you can take the spare room, or even Yang's bed, she's in with Tai right about now, but I'll be on the couch tonight." He said leaving the room as well.

Glynda sat there, staring at Ruby as she slept, she had a calm look on her face, ignorant to the conversation that recently happened. Standing up she left the room as well, on her way to tell Ozpin that she was going to be staying in Patch for now.


Tai had an interesting morning, he woke up and did his usual routine; have a shower, get changed into his day clothes and finally make breakfast. He was making a simple breakfast, Sausage, egg, and toast. The first to enter the kitchen was Yang, still in her pyjamas, a tired look on her face and her hair was messy.

She walked over to the table and sat down, yawning and waiting for her food to be cooked "Morning dad." she said. "Morning." he said, still focusing on the food he was cooking. "You have a good sleep" he asked. "Yeah, *Yawn*, and thanks for letting me sleep with you" she said. "No worries Yang." he responded.

Next to enter the kitchen was Qrow "You good there Qrow." Tai asked, a small smile on his face. Qrow just grumbles in response and sat down at the table, looking ready to pass out. "Cook enough for one more Tai, Glynda's here", A surprised look came onto Tai as he asked "What's Glynda doing here.", "She came to look at Ruby, and something else with Ozpin" Immediate alarm settled onto Tai "What's wrong with Ruby" he asked. "Nothing anymore, there was just some concerns when we found something out in the forest." Qrow explained.

"Alright, if you say everything is fine then, I'll believe you." he responded. "I'll go wake up Ruby" Qrow said standing up and walking up the stairs. "Tell her foods almost done!" Tai shouted up.


Walking over to the spare room he knocked on the door and waiting for any sign of someone being awake, hearing none he knocked again, yet still nothing, grabbing the handle and slowly opening the door he peaked in. Glynda was still asleep in the spare bed, walking back out he went towards Ruby and Yang's room to wake her up. Walking in he saw Ruby and the Gore Magala sprawled out on her bed.

Now standing over them both he slowly reached down and checked Ruby's neck once more, the scales hadn't seemed to grown much in the night but it was still bigger than it was. Giving her a small shake, he softly called her name. Slowly but surely her eyes fluttered open as she stretched her arms upwards. Looking at him, Ruby smiled "Morning Uncle Qrow." she said.

"Morning kid, wanna wake up the dragon?" he asked, she looked at him and nodded. "Alright go down stairs when he's up, foods almost done." he said looking back at her.

Watching her Uncle Qrow leave she turned to the dragon next to her, shoving him a bit she was going to speak to him but he leapt into the air and to the other side of the room. He stood in a defensive stance and let out a low growl. She watched him sniff the room once or twice before slowly walking towards her. Deciding to just sit there she didn't move until it was right in front of her, reaching her hand out she let him sniff her hand. It didn't take long until he remembered her scent and practically jumped at her.

"Good morning to you too." she said, laughing in the process, "C'mon I'll take you downstairs" she said walking towards the dragon with her hands outstretched towards him.

Back downstairs everyone was sat around the table eating their food, Tai and Yang talking and throwing in the occasional bad pun, Qrow was eating with a smug smile on his face, next to him was Glynda who had a grumpy look and her hair was a bit dishevelled. Yet they all stopped to look at the stairs as decently loud footsteps came down, one after the other.

Coming into view was Ruby holding the Gore Magala, her arms hooked underneath his front legs as the rest of his body hanging loosely, a grumpy look on his face. Qrow and Glynda deadpanned at the sight whilst Tai and Yang looked confused. Ruby ignored it all and waddled over to her chair plopping the dragon down next to her and sitting down. The dragon curled around himself at the bottom of the chair.

Tai looked at Ruby, then to the dragon, then back to Ruby. "Who's your friend there Rubes" he asked. Looking down to the dragon she spoke "Hey what's your name" Gore Magala looked straight at her with what could only be described as a straight face before looking over to Qrow. The man in question just shrugged his shoulders.

"Rubes he's a Gore Magala, it's not his name but that's what it" he was interrupted by a growl "He, is". Ruby looked down at him "Well we can't have that, you got a name?" she asked, looking down at Gore. He nodded his head, much to the surprise of everyone at the table. "C'mon then show me what it is outside." she said. "Why outside" Tai asked. "he's gonna write his name in the dirt, duhhh" she said, walking outside with Gore following right behind.

"Wanna fill me in" Tai asked looking towards Qrow. "Me and Ruby found him when she ran in the forest and he kinda just followed Ruby back, he hasn't done anything yet but that's why Glynda's here. We're gonna keep an eye on him for a while." he explained once more. "Alright I guess" he said. Standing up he picked up everyone's plates and started to wash them.

Ruby had walked back in with Gore by her side, "So what's his name then" Qrow asked getting a sheepish laugh from Ruby "I forgot I can't read." she said, Qrow got up with a sigh "Show me where it is." and so he followed Ruby out to the back of the house where a single name was written quite badly in the dirt. 

Yo chapter 3 hope you liked it, any suggestions on the Gore's name, I didn't want to call him Shirou cause that feels like my male human Oc's name and well y'know, he's a dragon in this one. but anyway I've decided to go with having him just be a dragon for now and if I or any of you feel it would help the story if he had a human form then I might add one but till then, thanks for reading.

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