The Mess In Schnee Manor

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The door to Weiss' room was thrown open as the girl in question glared in. "Ruby Rose. You better wake-" Stopping mid sentence when she saw the dragon girl hunched over in the middle of the room, taking ragged breathes whilst she clutched at her chest. "Ruby!" She quickly ran to the downed girl and made her sit properly on the floor. "Calm down now. Deep breathes." Weiss instructed whilst moving to be in front of her. "You're sweating a lot. Let's get you to the bathroom." Weiss commented before slowly guiding the girl to her feet.

She let Ruby hook an arm over her shoulder for balance before moving out of the room and down the halls. "What happened?" She asked. "Brother Gods." Ruby simply told her. "What?" Weiss asked back, a mixture of confusion and shock in her voice. "I went to sleep and woke up to the Brother Gods in your room. I think they dragged me somewhere though. Didn't feel like your room." Ruby managed to explain. "I swear. I might as well assume you're talking to some all powerful being every time you don't wake up for food." Weiss muttered with a giggle.

"There's food?" Ruby asked whilst sniffing around. "Let's get you cleaned up first." Weiss suggested getting Ruby to slowly nod. "Alright." A short silence ensued as they continued to walk down the halls. "What did the gods tell you?" Weiss suddenly asked. "Oh y'know, apparently I'm being hunted down." Ruby told her before going silent. The sudden stop from Weiss however confused her making her look to the girl, only to recoil in surprise when she saw the wide eyed look of shock on her face.

"What?" Ruby asked confused. "Why are you like this." Weiss said with a sigh before opening the door next to her. "What's wrong?" Ruby asked, genuinely confused at Weiss' comment. "Let's just get you cleaned." Weiss muttered before walking in. "Now, I hope you know how to use a shower. Because I am going to get you something to wear after." Weiss told the girl whilst standing by the door. Ruby looked from the shower then to Weiss a few times before gaining a smirk, one Weiss knew all too well. "You wanna-", "No." Weiss quickly cut her off and opened the door.

"I need to get you clothes and this is my Family house. We aren't at the castle nor our own dorms. So as much as you may not like it, we need to be careful." Weiss told her making her nod with a sigh. "Fine. I'll be careful." Ruby said before instantly starting to take her clothes off. "Wait for me to leave!" Weiss shouted with a blush before running out. "Silly Weiss." Ruby mumbled with a short giggle.

Her clothes falling to the floor as she kicked them away before carefully folding her cloak and dropping it near her clothes. She turned the water on and waited for it to warm up a bit before getting under the steady fall. Sighing in contempt when the water hit her head and slid down her body. With a sigh, she rested her head against the wall and used her wing to scratch the back of her head. "What am I gonna do..." She muttered to herself. "Definitely need to talk to Salem. Then maybe see if she has a book like Ozpin's. I really hope she does because I cannot be assed dealing with him." She made a short and very scuffed plan before looking around the room confused.

"What am I supposed to wash myself with?"


The door to the bathroom was knocked, right when Ruby got out to start drying herself. "Yo?" She called out to the person knocking. "I have clothes for you. Salem said this was a new outfit that she wanted you to try. Apparently it's supposed to be more comfortable with your wings. Although I'm not too sure about it." Weiss called back. Ruby thought it over for a few seconds before slightly opening the door.

"Do you have stuff I can sleep in? I can try the other stuff on tomorrow." Ruby asked making Weiss hand her her usual pyjamas. "Thank you." She disappeared for a few minutes before opening the door fully. "So. What food is left?" Ruby asked, about to immediately head off to the smell of food, but she was stopped by an impatient Weiss. "Right. Should probably explain what I told you about." Ruby suggested as Weiss slowly nodded.

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