The Meeting And The Unravel

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Weiss watched it all happen in the blink of an eye, the drunkard looking at her in pure confusion, then a shout coming from her left, and finally Qrow being tackled to the ground by a familiar dragon girl. And all she could do, was stare deadpanned at the two figures now on the ground.

"Uncle Qrow!! Did ya miss me?! Did ya?!" Ruby excitedly called, completely ignoring the slight amount of pain Qrow seemed to be in. "kid, get off of me would ya." he said making Ruby quickly stand up, pulling Qrow with her. "Sorry Uncle Qrow." She sheepishly said whilst looking away, coincidentally, her eyes landed on the unamused Weiss and the confused Winter.

She gasped before grabbing Weiss and pulling her over to Qrow. "Uncle Qrow! Uncle Qrow! This is Weiss, I mentioned her a few times." Ruby excitedly introduced. Qrow was still rubbing his head but he squinted to try and get a better look at her. "You mean the girlfriend?" Qrow lazily asked making both Weiss and Ruby erupt in a shade of red.

Seeing their new expressions, he pieced it together. "Haven't talked about it yet huh?" He asked making them both shake their heads. Patting her on her head he couldn't help but chuckle, "Now isn't that adorable." He said before lightly shoving her head. "Now scram for a bit. I got business with Ice queen over there." he told her but she stood her ground. "C'mon Uncle Qrow, I haven't seen you in ages and neither has Aunt Glynda." Ruby said before covering her mouth.

A lightbulb seemed to go off in Weiss head as she thought about what Ruby just said. "Hold on. You call her Aunt Glynda because-" Weiss started, but she was interrupted by Ruby latching onto her and covering her mouth as well. "Forget I said anything!" Ruby worriedly screamed as Weiss struggled to keep her balance. "Just leave it kid." Qrow told her with a sigh before walking off in Winter's direction.

She held a glare pointed in Qrows direction as he lazily advanced towards her. Yet he just walked past, not a single bit of hostility was directed towards anyone. "C'mon kid! Ozpin wants to talk to ya!" Qrow called without looking back. "Ooh, that's me. See ya Weiss." Ruby told her before darting off and over towards Qrow. Stopping by his side, she copied his pace as they continued towards Ozpins tower.

"By the way." Qrow started, "My sister's here to see Yang. So go say hi when you see her." Qrow told her and watched as the excitement started to bubble. "Where's Gore? Haven't seen him in a while." Qrow asked before she could explode. "He's at the dorm right now, he was tired after eating so I took him back." She told him before loudly yawning. "Speaking of tired. I wouldn't mind a nap." She said as she visibly became more sluggish.

Qrow walked in front of her before crouching down, without a second thought she climbed onto his back, hooked herself onto him and fell asleep. "I'll wake you up when we're there." Qrow told her only getting a hum in response.


The loud ding of the elevator was enough to wake Ruby, so with a jolt she looked around in alarm, almost bringing the person she was clinging too to the ground. The door opened as everyone watched Qrow wrestle with himself trying to keep balanced. Ruby on his back in some sort of sentry mode as she twisted to get a clear view of her surroundings.

Finally waking up properly and understanding where she was, she jumped off Qrow's and watched as he finally regained his balance. "The hell was that?!" Qrow asked in slight annoyance. "Sorry! Sorry! The elevator ding spooked me." Ruby told him. "Ahem!" A voice cut them off.

Turning to look at the five people near Ozpins desk, they both couldn't help but be confused. "How did Winter get here before us?" Ruby whispered over to Qrow. "No clue kid." He honestly responded.

"Can we get to business?" Ironwood interrupted. "Sure Jimmy. Now what business is that, that my Niece had to be here?" Qrow asked with a glare making Ozpin gesture towards the tied up Roman.

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