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A week. A week since Ruby came back from the other world for good. And... it's hit her hard. Each time she originally left, she didn't feel like this. Mainly because she was going back straight after, but now. It's basically impossible for her to see them again. Weiss has tried to cheer her up, but nothing. She's been moping around the castle or just laying in bed with a sad look on her face.

Weiss was currently sat at the desk in hers and Ruby's room, attempting to read one of the magic books. Struggling to read the words on the page as her thoughts were clouded. Groaning in annoyance, she slammed the book shut and stood up, the chair sliding across the floor making a loud screeching noise. She turned to look at the bed and glared when it was empty. Storming out of the door, she made her way through the halls, passing through the silence and out into the courtyard.

Scanning the area, she went over to the sheltered part and stood, staring at the much bigger gore who was partially gold and still sleeping. Ignoring him for now, she looked to the girl who was laying down, tucked in between his wings. "Ruby." She called making the girl slowly turn. "Hey Weiss." She murmured back with a gloomy look.

"Nuh, drop that look. We are going somewhere." She said whilst leaning down, grabbing Ruby by her arm and yanking her to her feet. "Where are we going?" She asked whilst following the annoyed girl. "I hate seeing you like this, so we are going to see your mom, dad and Yang. A whole family reunion." She said whilst walking through the halls of the castle once more, throwing open the giant doors and walking out into the opening.

"I could portal us there, but instead you're going to fly." She said whilst turning to Ruby with a stern look. Ruby stared in disbelief before shrugging and picking the girl up, Weiss quickly wrapped her legs around Ruby and hooked her arms around her. "You alright?" Ruby asked as Weiss nodded. "Let's go." She said before Ruby took off and shot into the air.

Ruby stared forward at where they were going with the same gloomy look. Weiss looked at her and sighed, bringing her hands up to her face, she rested them on Ruby's cheeks and made her look down at her. She stared into her eyes whilst slowing down until they were just hovering in the air. 

"Why is this getting to you so much?" She asked with a look of pure concern. "I don't know, everything about it seemed so fake at first. I thought it was just me messing with my own head. But then there was the things I brought back, so then I thought 'Holy crap, there really is another version of me.' And the more I was around them, the more I realised they were basically their own people. So much of them was different to you lot, it just feels weird, I'm going to see their faces wherever I go, but it won't actually be them. No offence to you."

After hearing all of that, Weiss truly didn't know what to say. There was usually something she could do to cheer Ruby up, but the whole situation was strange to begin with. Instead, she hooked her arms back around Ruby and rested her head on her shoulder. "I don't know how to help you, but I'll always be here if you need me."

Ruby looked down at her, a small smile appearing on her face before she slowly started to pick up speed once more, flying in a comfortable silence across the open sea.


Hovering over the dense forest of Patch, Ruby scanned the area before setting off in the direction of her house, slowly gliding to the ground and setting Weiss down as she turned and stared up at the wooden house. "You live in a cabin?" She asked confused. "Yeah, you confused on why it isn't a mansion?" Ruby asked with a cheeky smirk and a raised brow.

Hearing the playfulness in her voice, she couldn't help but smile before smirking back and dramatically resting a hand on her chest. "I don't think I can be with someone that has such low living standards." She said whilst looking away. "Ah yes, you must have felt right at home in queenies castle." Ruby shot back. "Actually it was a bit small." Weiss said with a smirk after seeing Ruby's face drop.

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