The Warning Of Destruction

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In her room, Weiss was sat up in her bed, the blanket covering her lower half whilst she had her head dug into the book in her hands. A sudden gust of cold wind was sent through the room sending a small shiver up her spine. But she ignored it in favour of flipping the page of the book. The cold air stayed and accompanied by it was an added weight next to her on her bed.

"Whatcha reading?" Ruby asked making her flip to the cover. "Illusions and the unseen." Weiss told her before flipping back and continuing. "Neo is not gonna like it if you start copying her." Ruby muttered getting a small laugh from Weiss. "If my illusions ever get to her level then she just needs to get better." She told the girl that was now laying her head on her lap.

"How was Roman?" Weiss asked putting the book away and looking down to Ruby. "I see you have his hat." She added. "Yeah. He's doing good, although I'm pretty sure he's had enough of everything." Ruby told her. "How so?" She asked. "He told me to give his hat to Neo as a way for him to 'hang it up'." She explained, sighing in contempt when she felt Weiss start to sift her hand through her hair.

"Well I suppose it's for the best. After everything he and Neo went through I'm sure he wouldn't want it to happen again." She told the content girl. "Now then. I feel obligated to ask, are you ready for the meal with my father?" Weiss asked, immediately feeling Ruby go rigid making her giggle to herself. "I'll take that as a no. But don't worry, it shouldn't go too badly." She said making Ruby breath a sigh of relief. "I think." A silence took over as Weiss played with Ruby's hair, the dragon girl seeming to be stuck in her own thoughts.

"Hey Weiss. Am I a bad daughter?" She suddenly asked. Weiss freezing in place before she looked down at her confused. "What makes you think that?" She asked back. "Well, my mom has been back for a few months now. But even with that I haven't felt the need or want to go visit her, or any of them. Even when we went over there before, I barely talked to my mom. Is something wrong with me?" A look of sorrow and desperation in her eyes, as if this had been a long running question constantly in her mind. But then she looked away, curling herself up slightly with a sigh. "Never mind actually."

But then she felt Weiss' hand start to sift through her hair once more as she closed her eyes and yawned. "I'm sure it has something to do with your childhood. You haven't told me much, but I can only assume that your family all reacted differently to your mother's supposed death. Your sister had Raven, your father had to deal with his grief by himself. And so that unfortunately left you with Gore. Not to say it's a bad thing, but with it just being you and him, you probably learned to deal with things, just you and him. You probably accepted the fact that Summer had passed. And even though it wasn't true, and that she has re-entered your life, it's too late. That's not to say she's a bad mother. Nor you a bad daughter, it just... is what it is. As you would say."

Another comfortable silence taking over. "Thanks." Ruby quietly mumbled. "You don't need to thank me." Weiss told her. A soft smile as she stared down at the calm girl. "It also explains the amount of worry you have for Gore right now. Not that I blame you. He should have woken up by now." Weiss muttered with a soft sigh. "But he'll pull through, just like you did." Her words bringing a lot more comfort to Ruby than she realized. Checking on Roman, getting out of her own head, and now being reassured about Gore. So right, she supposed she could relax.

Her eyes slowly closing, the feeling of Weiss's hand in her hair, the occasional brush of her hand against her horn, and the calming tune that the heiress was humming, all working to lull her to sleep. Weiss froze and stopped when the dragon girl's steady breathing turned into quiet snores. "Ruby?" She asked whilst nudging the girl slightly, but when she didn't respond, Weiss couldn't help but sigh. "Ah crap. My fault." She muttered in defeat, it got worse when a knock resounded from her bedroom door.

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