Infiltration And Destruction

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Ruby stared down the sight at any Grimm that got to close, yet she didn't shoot, only observed as they passed by. With a sigh she stared back up at the moon and seemed to calm down, except for the occasional weary glance to the camp fire. Her eyes slowly closed shut before snapping back open, over and over again until she finally succumbed to the tiredness.

Jolting back up as she heard a bark come from near the fire, looking over she saw Zwei jumping all around the place before running off. "Zwei!" She quietly called out before seeing that he wasn't coming back. Sighing she ran off after him, down the stairs and out the building. Groaning in annoyance when she saw him peeing at one of the posts. "Zwei this is a wasteland you could have done that anywhere."

"Hey you hear that?!" A voice shouted from a street down. Picking up Zwei she took off into the air and hid on one of the rooftops, slightly peaking over to see who called out. "What are you talking about?" Another voice said. Two people, both White Fang grunts. "I thought I heard a beowolf or something." The first one said in embarrassment. "Fine, let's just finish our patrol." The other said before they both walked off.

Seeing the opportunity, Ruby followed them from the rooftops, making sure to stay behind them as to not get caught. After a while they came across a door that seemed to lead to a set of stairs going downwards. slowly falling to the ground, she walked over to the door and circled the place it was around to check for any vantage points. "Alright let me tell the others." She whispered to herself grabbing her scroll.

Stopping and groaning when 'No Signal' appeared on the screen. "Let's just walk back then." She grumbled picking Zwei up and heading back. All it took was one wrong foot placement and the floor below her broke into a web of cracks. Alarm settled onto her face as the floor caved and fell into a deep hole. Spreading her wings, the claws grabbed the edges making her hang there.

Instead of climbing out she thought about it for a second. Throwing Zwei to safety she stared at him with seriousness in her eyes. "Go get the others for me would ya?" She asked and watched as he nodded and dashed off. One of her wings let go making her swing to the ceiling, digging her free wing into it. Some of the scales climbed up her hands and turned them into claws as well.

Digging them into the ceiling, she repeated his until slowly but surely, she started to crawl until she was above a pair of doors that was below the cracked ceiling. And just like she thought, two grunts walked out. Both pointing their weapons at the empty rooftop, seeing nothing they let down their guard. "You have got to stop doing this, is something wrong with your hearing?" One of them asked.

"No! I definitely heard something this time!" The other responded starting a string of arguments between the two. Taking this opportunity, Ruby slowly let herself to the ground and crept up behind them. When one turned their back to the other, she struck. Leaping forward she grabbed one and hooked her arm around his neck and covered his mouth and tightened her grip trying to knock him out.

Hearing the sounds of struggled the other started to turn around but Ruby wrapped her tail around his neck and began to slam him down over and over again onto the rooftop floor. The one trapped in her arms was trying to reach for his dropped gun before Ruby's wing slammed down onto his arm making him release a muffled yell.

When it stopped and all went silent, she slowly let them both go and fall to the ground. Breathing a sigh of relief, she reached down and grabbed one of their masks. she was about to put it on but her horns got in the way. Using her claws, she cut out two circles at the top of the mask and slotted them into place. Taking out her scroll she looked at her reflection. "That'll work." She muttered before walking through the doors.

She faltered in her step when she saw what was going on, a whole organisation beneath their feet. And a couple of Paladin robots which confused her. But one thing that made her the most nervous, was the uniform. They all seemed to have a certain dress code and here she was in a red and black combat skirt with a purple cloak. "Confidence is the key to a good lie." She muttered before walking forward into the main site of operations with her head held high.

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