The Dream Of A Castle

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Staring at the baron wasteland in front of her, her head snapped all around as she caught sight of the creatures of Grimm completely swarming the place. Black pools of sludge that seemed to spit them out. A castle in the distance that seemed to call to her. Taking a step towards it, she found herself in front of the castle doors. Falling back in confusion and surprise as she tried to get her bearings once more.

Standing back up, she pushed on the door, only to find herself on the other side. Surprising her once more but she managed to keep her composure. Walking forward, nothing happened, so she continued, staring at all the passing pictures of a woman with pale skin and pure white hair. Stopping when she noticed a framed photo that seemed to be the odd one out. A normal looking woman with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Turning back, she continued down the hall before taking a turn. Staring at another set of large doors, she attempted to take a step back but instead she pressed up against a wall. Turning around in shock she saw the way she came no longer seemed to exist. With no way left to go but forward, she hesitantly trudged on. Standing in front of the door, she stared in slight fear as she felt an overwhelming presence come from the other side.

Resting her hand on the door, she prepared to open it, but instead her hand slipped through, waving it around, she could still feel it. So with a face of confusion, she walked through the door. Stopping as she came to witness a large table holding four people.

A large man with a look that promised pain. Another man that was too busy holding his head in a book to acknowledge anything. Another man with a hood, a scorpion tail and a crazed look that seemed to be permanently plastered on his face.

She came to a stop on the last one, someone with their hood up that covered their face, yet she was somehow the most vibrant of the people. Walking around with a tray of cookies in hand as she gave them to the three, each of which accepted with grateful smiles. Climbing onto the table, she tried to get a better look. Somehow, on her way over, she had managed to slightly move one of the papers on the table. Something not many people would notice. But everyone here was trained to be able to, and to destroy whatever caused it.

"Someone's here." The bigger one warned making the scorpion bring out his weapons, the conversation at the throne stopped as well drawing Ruby's attention. Sat on the throne was the same woman who was in all the paintings. One thing Ruby couldn't help but notice, was the fact that everyone was looking around except her. Instead, she was staring directly at Ruby.

"Enough!" She called out making them stop. Standing from her throne, she slowly walked over to the table with an air of authority around her. "I have been awaiting your arrival." She spoke confusing them all. Lifting her hand, she aimed it towards Ruby as a ball of energy began to form making everyone become on edge. The ball released from her hand and barrelled towards Ruby, yet she didn't move. Nothing in her body was telling her to, so she waited to see what it would do.

When it collided, nothing happened. She checked her entire body, or at least what she could. And everything was still there, wings and all. What she did however notice, was a few new smells attacking her nose. "Oooh, couldn't smell in here before." She said before locking onto a familiar one that brought slight tears to her eyes.

Taking in one giant sniff, she slowly looked over to the hooded figure, and then to what they were holding. Slowly walking over, she reached for one of the cookies. Holding it up to her mouth, she took a small bite out of it. But that was enough. She was hit with an almost forgotten taste. Her legs slightly buckled as she grabbed onto the closest chair.

Taking a seat, she stared down at the treat in her hand. "Why does this taste like hers?" Ruby quietly asked. "Because she is the one who made them." The Grimm lady told her. "That's Bullshit! She's been dead for years!!" Ruby screamed before stuffing her face with the cookie in her hand.

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