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The golden dragon stared down at them with a calm gaze. A giant huff of air slightly pushing them back. Being the first to regain herself, Raven slowly walked forward. "Ruby?" She hesitantly questioned. The dragons gaze snapped onto her making her slightly falter in her step. All of a sudden, the dragon placed its open maw over the frozen Raven. And then it snapped shut. Everyone around stared in horror as Raven disappeared into the dragon's mouth. Tai rushed forward about to attack, but then they noticed the dragon's head shaking in what seemed to be laughter.

Not seeming to be able to hold it, the dragon leaned forward and opened its mouth letting a slimed-up raven fall out. She sat there in pure disgust, shaking at the very thought of what her hair was like. Turning with a look of rage, she was about to charge at the dragon but stopped when she noticed the pure joy and amusement in its eyes. "I'm going to kill you Gem." Raven said with a scowl making Ruby laugh even harder.

"Can you talk?" She asked making Ruby look forward in thought. Laying down, she opened her maw in an attempt to speak, also making Raven jump backwards, but instead started shaking her head in response. Raven sighed in an annoyance. "Can you turn back?" She asked making Ruby tilt her head to the side. "Just imagine being you." Raven told her. And with a final nod, the purple smog enveloped Ruby's massive size before shrinking. The girl in question walking out whilst lightly smacking the side of her head and squinting.

"Messes with your brain." Ruby muttered whilst walking over to them. "If you ever wish to turn back into the dragon, just imagine that form. Even though you have not seen yourself, you will know what it looks." Raven told her. "Alright, thanks Aunt Raven." She said making the woman nod before heading back inside with Tai and Yang behind her. She was going to have a much-needed shower. "I must admit, I did not expect that transformation, Miss Rose." Ozpin spoke up.

"Really, half dragon, dragon best friend. It was all pointing there really." She said confused. "Well, I suppose you're right. Either way, I will be leaving back to Vale to help with the damages." Ozpin said before walking back in to leave. "How are you getting back? The Bullhead already left." Ruby asked confused. "Do not worry about that Miss Rose." He said before finally leaving. When all of them left, Ruby looked around in thought. Snapping her fingers, she walked back in and darted straight for the kitchen. Stopping next to the door with her back against the wall, she peaked her head in and noticed the room was empty.

Sneaking in, she made her way to the cabinets and looked atop the highest one. There sat the greatest creation that humanity has brought to this planet. Nothing else stood at its height of superiority. The Cookie Jar. Inside it held the sugariest cookie types known to man. A treat that Tai only let her have once a week. Her dad knew how high up she could reach, so he hid it further. But this was new territory. So it sat just high enough so red couldn't reach. A fifteen-year-old girl who didn't have wings.

And here they sat. Ready for the taking. Her wing extended before carefully grabbing the glass jar. Bringing it down, she held it in her own two hands. And with a quick pop. The lid flew open. The sweet aroma coming from the cookies hitting her nose making her mouth water even more. About to dig in, she heard something, a quiet snore from the main room. Shooting up in realization, she slowly walked out of the kitchen and to the main room where she caught sight of the sleeping Red.

Who was she to hold this to herself. So lightly tapping Red on the head, it got the wrong result. Instead, she curled up and tried to lean into Ruby's hand. So instead, Ruby held the jar under Red's nose making the girl shoot up and snap onto the jar. "How did you get this!?" Red asked in a quiet yell. "I'm tall." Ruby said before stretching her wings as high as they could go. Red looked on in amazement before reaching for one of the cookies. And by then, there was no holding back.

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