First Weeks Are Always A Pain

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*Bang* the door to the classroom slammed open and Team JNPR fell in one by one. Staring up at the rest of the class in nervousness Jaune was the first to speak up. "Sorry we're late, we didn't realise the time." he told him. "Do not worry young man, just don't let it happen again and we will be fine." Professor Port told him with his same smile. Standing up with a sheepish smile, Jaune and his team walked over to the empty seats in front of team RWBY.

"Monsters! Demons! Prowlers of the night! Yes, the Grimm go by many names. But I call them Prey. HaHaHa." he started but went silent when no one else laughed. "And you shall too on graduating from this prestigious academy. Now as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world." he said pacing back and forth at the front of the classroom. "Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces. And that's where we come in. Huntsman! and Huntresses. Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves. From what you ask? why... The very world!"

"Ayy-Yepp." everyone turned to look at one student who had started to sit back down out of embarrassment. "That is what you are training to become. But first, a story. Of a young, and handsome man.... Me." His stories had soon turned into pure nonsense, with team RWBY not paying attention. Yang was messing around with a piece of paper, Blake was reading one of her books, Ruby was trying not to fall asleep and Weiss was trying to stay focused but Ruby's wing kept coming into her view.

Succumbing to the thoughts she reached forward and grabbed Ruby's wing. She started to stroke the wing and inspect every inch of it with wonder. Hearing a bang to her left she looked to see Ruby knocked out on the desk with a goofy smile on her face. Softly smiling she furled up her wing and made it cover Ruby like a blanket. Feeling something hit her feet, looking down she saw Gore sniffing around under the desk. "What are you doing?" Weiss asked down to the dragon only to get a huff in response. "Don't you huff at me, class is going on so be careful." Instead Gore just rested his head on her lap with another huff.

"In conclusion, A true huntsman must be honourable." Gore had lifted his head a slight bit. "A true huntsman must be dependable." Gore had now lifted himself so he was hovering slightly above her lap. "What are you doing?" Weiss asked looking down at the dragon. "A true huntsman must be strategic, well educated, and Wise." as the last words had left Professor Ports mouth, Gore dropped himself onto Weiss, body first. It gave out a loud snap and the chair broke under his weight.

Everyone turned their heads to Weiss making her look around with a shy smile. "Sorry." she apologized before hearing a slight giggle to her left. Turning she saw Ruby trying to hold in a laugh. Deadpanning she looked back forward when Port started talk again. "Well then Miss Schnee, why don't we see if you are the embodiment of these traits." Ruby had gotten Gore off of Weiss' lap so she could leave to get into her combat gear.

"Did you do that on purpose?" Ruby asked looking down at the smiling dragon. Instead, all he did was continue to smile up at her. "You're mean, I hope you know that." She told him, and his tail just kept wagging making the broken parts of the chair move around.


Standing in the middle of the fight arena was Weiss in a pure white dress with red lining on the inside and a frilly combat skirt. Her rapier Myrtenaster in her hand as she got into what she thought was a perfect stance. Opposite her was a cage holding a Boarbatusk with glowing red eyes. "Gooo Weiss!", "Fight well!", "Good Luck!" all of her teammates called out. "Thanks, and I will!" She shouted back.

"Alright. Let the match, begin!" He shouted bringing down his blunderbuss axe onto the cage lock, breaking it and allowing the Boarbatusk to get out. Yet nothing happened. Confusion settled in, Port looked into the cage and Weiss slightly lowered her guard. "Stay ready Weiss!" Ruby called out making Weiss get back in her stance with her rapier pointed forward.

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