The Process Begins

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Qrow isn't usually the one to get surprised by things, especially when it comes to people. So when he opened his nieces dorm room. None of it was what he was expecting. Ruby was trapping Weiss in a hug hold with a calm smile on her face whilst Gore was trying to get in with them. Yang was also in a less than perfect situation.

She was being trapped by Neo in a leg hold as she messed with Yang's hair. Yet all Yang had was a disapproving stare. The funniest bit of it all, was the fact that Raven was staring at her daughter with a mocking smile. "I hate you sometimes." Yang muttered to her mother. "Get stronger Yang, and then maybe you won't get pushed around by the small lady." Raven said getting glare and a flailing fist from Neo.

"I'm not even gonna question any of this." Qrow said getting the attention of them all. "Kid, get over here. I got a gift." He said making Ruby's head shoot up in surprise. "For me?" She asked making him nod. Scurrying over Weiss and Gore, she stopped in front of Qrow.

"So... Glynda told me about your weapon situation. So I started digging through some old stuff, and I came across this old thing." He said whilst pulling out a revolver. "It was left to me by a... Friend. Was his dying wish, said I'd know what to do with it. And I can't think of a better use for it than to give it to you."

Carefully taking the revolver out of his hand, she marvelled at the masterpiece in front of her. A slick white and black revolver with a thick barrel, a white ace of spades engraved on the sides of the gun as well as an upside down black ace on the handle. Popping open the cylinder she stared at the six available slots for ammo.

"Who made this?" She asked in amazement. "I believe he said someone named Banshee created it for him." He said and watched as she continued to nerd out over the weapon. "Does it have a name?" She asked again. "Yeah, he liked to call it the 'Ace of Spades'. Apparently it was named after someone close to him." He explained. "And... you're giving it to me?" She asked unsure.

"Yeah, this should help you against people cause it's just the gun power, not your weapon and your unnatural strength." He explained. "Just don't shoot it at people's heads. I don't know if it's the gun or him but any head shots would make the enemy go boom. Test it on a couple Grimm when you get the chance." He told her and watch as she jumped around in excitement.

"So you've finally decided to put it all behind you, huh little brother." Raven said walking over to him. "Not a chance, but I've decided to start to try." He admitted, failing to hold back his smile as he watched the excited face of Ruby as she showed her new weapon to Weiss.

"So what's with the other kid and Yang? I thought she never let anyone touch her hair? Still can't believe she picked that up from you." He asked with a chuckle. "The little one is stronger than her so she is currently admitting defeat." Raven simply told him. "Makes sense." Qrow said whilst switching the TV on. "Alright, who want's to get their asses kicked?" Qrow asked whilst turning on the games console.

"Swear jar." Ruby suddenly said holding out a jar with money. "I've heard you swear plenty of times Rubes." Yang spoke up making Qrow laugh. "And I put 10 lien in every time." Ruby justified making Qrow shake his head, yet he still put in 10 lien. "What's that even going towards?" Weiss asked. "Food for Gore." Ruby told them making the mentioned dragon stick his head up. "Yeah that's right, you get more food the more people swear." Ruby told him whilst petting the slobbering mess.


"Ruby are you sure you want to do this? The next fight is happening soon." Glynda's voice asked over the megaphone. "Yeah, I wanna see what this new gun can do!" Ruby called and laughed at the sigh she gave back. "Very well, you may begin." Glynda said as holographic Beowolfs appeared in front of her. "As you know, we cannot fully simulate the feeling of fighting Grimm. But this is as close as we can get it." Glynda explained.

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