The Beauty Will Forever Calm The Beast

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Slowly landing onto the ground, Ruby stared around in confusion. It was way too silent. Spinning around, there was no sign of the White Fang. None of the Generals soldiers were around. And not a single Grimm. Finally looking up at Beacon Tower, she locked eyes with the Grimm Dragon.

It jumped down forming a crater with a loud thud. It's giant claws digging into the ground directly in front of Ruby. "Well, hello there." Ruby said up to the growling dragon. It moved its single working eye directly in front of her.

Giving off a loud and sharp whistle, she began running at the creature. She jumped and flew up to its head. Landing on the white, skull like shell. It started to thrash its head around in an attempt to get rid of her.

Grabbing onto a protruding spike, she swung herself of the side of its head and kicked one of its giant teeth, knocking it loose and making it pierce the Grimms tongue.

The Grimm roared in pain whilst snapping its head to the right, sending Ruby flying away from it. She spread her wings in order to stabilize herself and reached behind for one of her weapons. Yet all she had on her was the ace of spades.

"Shit." She muttered under breath before being struck with a realization. 'Come on brain what does this power do.' She thought with a focused glare. The Grimm still trying to get the tooth out of its tongue. 'Fall maiden, so seasons. Its magic so its elemental. But what elements.' She thought, right before a certain memory with a witch resurfaced in her mind.

A massive grin forming on her face as the temperature dropped. The Grimm noticed this and turned once more to Ruby. Ice forming a frozen scythe in her hand. She began to dive down towards the Wyvern at extreme speeds, it tried to bite at her but she managed to dodge past it. Not without slashing at its face making ice appear from the cut.

The Wyverns head slightly dropped with the new added weight as Ruby landed back on the creature. She ran up its body and towards its wings. Stopping at the joint, she held the scythe up high above her head. And brought it back down with all the strength she could muster. Cleanly slashing through and covering the decapitated limb with ice as well as the joint on its back, getting rid of any possible way of it regrowing the limb.

The Wyvern jumped to its hind legs as it roared in pain once more, a fatal mistake. Ruby slid off the Wyvern when she heard a roar that was fast approaching. A large purple blur heading straight towards the Wyverns chest. Connecting, a shockwave could be seen from the force as the Wyvern was sent flying back into Beacon Tower making Ruby wince.

Gore strolled up next to her, shaking his head and not being able to walk in a straight line "You did good bud." Ruby said whilst melting the scythe and patting the dragon's head. The Grimm Wyvern, as a last-ditch effort, dropped to the floor with black sludge forming around it. And from it, came hundreds of Grimm.

She stared down the mini army, her angered expression not faltering. "You take the little ones." Ruby told him making Gore smack her with his tail. "Don't get moody with me, just kill the fodder." She told him. Gore started to mock her before running off into the middle of the horde. Grimm of all types being flung in the air.

Ruby herself just rolled her eyes before staring at the struggling Wyvern. Slowly walking over to it, she started to conjure a ball of light blue energy. Intensely staring at it before it was the size of a tennis ball. She stared at it in wonder before bringing it closer to her face. Lightly blowing on it, it began to get cover in an all too familiar smog.

Stopping in front of the downed Wyvern, it blew hot air into her face. She walked closer and used her wings to pry open its mouth. Moving the swirling ball of ice and the virus, she began to compress it. Squeezing it down to where it was covered by both her hands.

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