From 'Dust' Till Dawn

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Staring down towards the ground Qrow looked with a confused face. "Hey Rube's who wrote this." he asked looking over towards said girl. She walked over to the dragon who was laying down next to Qrow, crouching next to it she said "This little guy right here" giving him small pats on the head every now and again. "You want me to read what a blind dragon wrote." he asked, Ruby stopped what she was doing, frozen in place. "So I can still read, right." Qrow sighed, "Yes Rube's. You can still read." he said making her do a silent cheer, trying not to disturb the dragon next to her.

"Ooh, I have an idea. I'll just ask him." she said, moving in front of the dragon. "Rube's, he can't talk, so you can't just ask him." He explained, but Ruby just ignored him in favour of lightly shaking the resting dragon. The only indicator that he had woken up was when he stretched his legs and wings. "Hey there, can you tell me your name" Ruby asked, the dragon stared at her then looked towards Qrow.

"I told her it won't work, she obviously ignored me." The dragon looked back to Ruby and shook his head. "Can I name you something then?" she asked. He tilted his head before nodding once more. They both stared at each other for a long time. They held a heated stare one so hard that Qrow started to feel out of place. After another five minutes of the constant stare Ruby blurted out a name "Gore."

Two different reactions happened at that point. Gore seemed to recoil in surprise whilst Qrow looked disappointed. "Rube's Gore is the name of his species, not his actual name." Ruby stood up and stomped her foot, crossed her arms, and put a pout on her face as well. "His name is Gore and he told me so himself." Qrow looked dumbfounded, he looked over her shoulder to the dragon who just slowly nodded.

Surprise washed over his face, this couldn't be happening, his neice can either somehow hear the thoughts of a dragon, or, he can't even think of another reason for how she magically knew what his name was. Actually, it could be magic now that he thought about it, she was one of the legendary Silver eyed warriors that Ozpin talked about, just like her mother.

"C'mon Rube's let's go back inside and tell everyone his name." She started jumping around giddily, turning to Gore she starting grabbing in his direction "C'mon Gore I'll take you inside again." Qrow could see the pure horror morph onto Gore's face, instead of coming to his rescue he just laughed.

Seeing them walk back in Tai noticed a small yet very smug smirk on his face, Ruby was just happily waddling along with a small smile on her face and Gore had the same look he had on when Ruby carried him downstairs. "Rube's, I don't think he likes getting carried around." Ruby looked at her dad and just lifted Gore higher until she was rubbing his cheek with hers.

"Of course he likes it. He always want's me to carry him around. Isn't that right Gore." Even though Gore didn't have eyes Tai could see the desperate look in them. "C'mon Rube's let's put him down and go sit on the couch for a bit yeah." Putting him down she got a sad look "Fine, but he's gonna be so sad without me." Tai sweat dropped, "I'm sure he's gonna be fine, and he can sit on the couch with you if he wants."

Everyone started to head over to the couch, Ruby jumped over the back side of it landing next to Yang who looked ready to sleep again. Gore walked over and climb up onto Ruby's lap, curling up and trying to sleep once more, Ruby looked at him and got stars in her eyes as she started to pet him making it that much easier to fall asleep. Glynda had sat next to Ruby with a small smile as she watched her play with the sleeping dragon on her lap.

Qrow plopped himself down next to her, arm behind her laying on the back of the couch. She looked at him with a straight face, "What are you doing." Qrow just gave her a smug side eyed look "What, is me resting my arm near you too much. Am I just that irresistible." Qrow's smug aura quickly changed to one of embarrassment and nervousness. The reason, you may ask. Glynda had taken what he said as a challenge, deciding to sit closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder. Looking up and seeing him basically steaming, she smirked at her victory. Tai walked by with a small chuckle before sitting down on the last chair available as well as picking up the remote.

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