Roman Meets The Team

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"Alright, First order of business." Ruby called out getting the attention of her entire team. "It's the weekend, so we are going to investigate." She said confusing her team. "Investigate what?" Yang asked in genuine confusion. "The white fang." She answered nonchalantly. "And why, pray tell, are we doing that?" Weiss asked. "Because Blake doesn't think they did that robbery and the best way to prove that is to find who did." she answered.

"And once again, HOW, do you plan on doing that?" Weiss asked again making Ruby stop what she was doing. "I have a lead. So to say." She answered turning to the window. "Alright what is it then." Blake asked. "I gotta make a call to answer that, or we can scower the city to try and find something." she said with slight nervousness. "Why would we do that if you already have a lead?" Weiss asked with a slightly raised eyebrow. "It might... or might not be... Roman Torchwick." she said getting quieter and quieter.

"I'm sorry, but your lead is the thief Roman Torchwick?!" Blake asked making the other two go wide eyed. "Why would that be your lead?!" Yang screamed shaking her sister around. "Because he's not a bad guy, just, a bad guy. Y'know." she said trying to explain herself, yet she was still get thrown around. "No I get what she means." Weiss said making everyone stop and look at her like she was crazy. Feeling her sisters grip loosen she slipped out and hid behind Weiss. "Keep me safe." She said peeking over her shoulder.

"Fine, but make sure he doesn't screw us over." Yang said sighing in defeat. "I believe it could be beneficial having someone like him on our side." Weiss said seeming to have thought everything over. But all of their attention was directed towards the window as a knock resonated around the room. Ruby walked over and opened it to peak out. "Hellooo!!" She called out. "Yooo!" a voice called making her jump back into the room. Peaking back out she saw Sun standing on the ledge of the building wall.

"Hey, couldn't help but hear you guys are going on a stake out of sorts." He said balancing with little effort. "Why are you here?" Ruby asked with a straight face making him sigh. "Look, I wanna make up for what I did at the docks. And if you guys are looking for the white fang, I think I might know where they will be." he said crouching down in front of the window to let the others see him as well. Weiss walked over and opened the window some more. "Get in." She said gesturing him to the room. Swinging in, he landed and looked around. "How did you find our dorm first try?" Yang asked slightly confused. Yet all of that confusion went away when they heard a loud yell from the hallway.

"WHEN I FIND THAT MONKEY I'M GONNA SKIN HIM ALIVE!!!" They all slowly turned their head to the Faunus in question. "What did you do?" Ruby asked with a sweat drop. "I might not have done it on the first try." He said scratching the back of his head making everyone sigh. "Fine, what you got?" Blake asked getting up. "I heard that there is a Schnee dust shipment coming in tonight. If they were gonna hit a raid, I bet that's the place." He told them making everyone turn towards Weiss. "What?" She asked looking at them all. Instead, they all just continued to stare at her. "Just because I'm a Schnee, doesn't mean I know what happens all the time with trades and shipments and whatnot."

"Anyways. At 19:30, we leave for the docks where we will stake out the place and wait for any signs of white fang. If they just so happen to be the culprits then we will contact Professor Ozpin and let him know our location. Is that alright with everyone." she said telling everyone her plan. "Sounds good.", "I'm alright with that.", "That is a good plan." they all responded. "Sun you're coming too." Ruby said to the Monkey Faunus who was about to leave through the window. "Really?" He asked confused turning back around to them. "Yeah, why not. You told us where they were gonna be so, welcome honorary member of Team RWBY." She said stretching out her hand to him. "Thanks for having me." He said shaking her hand.


The three were currently on top of a building that had a clear view, Gore and Ruby were on a different building to get a different vantage point, especially with her sniper. "Did I miss anything?" Sun asked walking over to the other three. "Not really. They've off loaded all the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there." Blake told him, looking a bit confused when he was holding a handful of fruit. "Cool, I stole us some food." He said handing them all an apple. "Do you always break the law without a second thought?" Weiss asked. "Hey, your dad's a tyrant." He said making her glare at him. Yang on the other hand just reached across and grabbed the apple out of his hand and ate it without a second thought.

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