OVA of RWBY dumb shit

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Out in a snowy field, Ruby was walking around whilst taking a video on her scroll. She was taking a walk with Gore, and Zwei wanted to join them. Noticing they were walking in a particularly icy part of the field, she couldn't help but laugh to herself.

"I guarantee one of these retards is gonna fall." She spoke out loud. Turning and walking over to Gore. She stepped on a piece of ice making her leg slip forward, her body going to the floor with it.


Down in Beacon. Ruby was laying on her bed, staring up at the top bunk in boredom. The only other person in the room was Blake and she was reading one of her books. "Y'know what, Ruby." Blake said whilst putting down her book making Ruby look over confused. "Yeah?" She asked whilst sitting up.

"How about. If in ten years time. If neither of us is married, let's promise each other, to hunt each other for sport." She suddenly said making Ruby recoil in surprise. "To hunt each other for sport?" Ruby asked back confused. "Is that? Did you just agree?" Blake asked. 

"No. I just thought you were gonna say let's get married. Let's live together I'll be your buddy." Ruby said as Blake looked over in shock. "Oh, I didn't think... I didn't mean to. The signals." Blake quickly corrected as Ruby laughed at her. "Sure. Let's hunt each other for sport." Ruby told her. "Hey. I mean. If you want a marriage pact."


"Enough!" Port shouted. The class was constantly talking over him whilst he tried to recount his glory days to the young students, but they were making it increasingly difficult. "All of this is going to be on the test tomorrow." He started making everyone groan. "And if any of you don't score above 80%." He continued.

"I will personally go to everyone of your dorms. And shit in places that will leave you confused for the rest of your lives." The classroom was taken over by a stunned and shocked silence. Safe to say. The next test had the highest average grade the school has ever seen.


Team RWBY were all getting ready for  their mission to scope out the Schnee dust shipment that was coming in later in the day. Blake was moody, Weiss was overly serious. And Yang was Yang. Ruby, being the great team leader that she is. Slid in front of them all gaining their attention.

"Hey team. I know things are looking bleak right now. Dust stores getting robbed. Classes are annoying. Port is getting creative. But even the word hopeless has hope in it. And if you rearrange the letters you get peeslosh." She told them before freezing. "That last part was probably unnecessary. I'm sorry."

Weiss walked over and pat the girl on the head making her look up. "You're lucky you're adorable."


Currently over at Ruby's house. Qrow, Glynda, Ruby, Yang, Tai, Raven and Summer were all sat around a table. A board in front of them whilst a dungeon master screen was in front of Summer. "Okay. You enter the dungeon. And on the far side of the room, you see, a door." Summer started as Ruby nodded.

"Can I... Seduce the door?" Qrow asked with a smirk. "No you cannot." Summer quickly answered. "Can I seduce the door~?" Yang asked. "Also no." Summer told her. "Can I punch Qrow?" Glynda asked making Summer role some dice. "Uh Qrow. You take four damage." Summer told him.

"Well I transform into a beaver." He told her. "You... do that." She told him confused. "NOW can I seduce the door?" He asked in an accomplished tone. "Still. No." She told him. "Can I punch Qrow again?" Glynda asked making Summer roll the dice. "Qrow. Three more damage." She told him. "Can I fight the door?" Tai asked. "What, No!" Summer told him. "I would also like to fight the door." Yang said.

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